Come, arouse thee, arouse thee, my brave Swiss boy!
Take thy pail, and to labour away,
Come, arouse thee, arouse thee, my brave Swiss boy!
Take thy pail, and to labour away.
The sun is up, with ruddy beam,
The kine are thronging to the stream.
Come, arouse thee, &c.
Am not I, am not I, say, a merry Swiss boy,
When l hie to the mountain away?
Am not I, am not I, say, a merry Swiss boy,
When I hie to the mountain away?
For there a shepherd maiden dear,
Awaits my song with listening ear.
Am not I, &c.
Then at night, then at night, O, a gay Swiss boy!
I’m away to my comrades, away.
Then at night, then at night, O, a gay Swiss boy!
I’m away to my comrades, away.
The cup we fill, the wine is passed,
In friendship round, untill at last,
With “Good night,” and “Good night,” goes the
happy Swiss boy
To his home and his slumbers away.