Advertising, 68

America, Socialist Party in, 228

Anarchism, 123–125

Argentine, 227

Aristocracy and Capitalism, 36, 42

Art under Socialism, 178–185

Australia, 119, 168, 169, 227

Austria, 206, 226

Ball, John, 17, 18

Bankruptcy, 76

Bebel, August, 215, 216

Belgian Socialist Party, 223–225

Bernstein, Edward, 212

Bismarck, 166

Blanc, Louis, 102, 165, 218

Booth, Charles, 31, 35, 71

Bundesrath, 108

Cade, Jack, 17

Canada, 227

Capital and Labour, conflicts, 43–46
concentration of, 46–55, 119
and mechanical invention, 43
in polities, 97
social effect of, 128

Capitalism, control of, by agents, 48, 55
failure of, 77
literature and, 82–88
religion and, 78–82

Capitalism, science and, 88–92
waste of capital, 64–66
waste of labour, 66–70

Capitalists, small, 52–55

Chartism, 204, 230

Chili, 227

Christian Socialists, 79–81

Class War, 18, 147–150, 191, 210, 213

Commercial travelling, 69
trusts, effect on, 68

Commercialism, a phase, 94
its results, 83, 85, 87, 95, 98, 128, 181, 187
its end, 97

Commune and municipalisation, 101, 200

Communism, 122

Communist League, 105, 237

Communist Manifesto, 197, 209, 234, 236, 237

Comtism, 198

Confiscation, 158, 161–163

Darwin, 115

Democracy, 150–154

Democracy and American Constitution, 25
French Revolution, 4, 23
legislation, 105
national interests, 19
politics, 106
Socialism, 107–111, 135, 154
the state, 26, 106, 136

Dundee, social condition, 31, 71, 253

Economic Determinism, 142-147, 210, 213

Engels on, 146

Engels, 92, 162, 196, 206-210

Equality, 28, 188-141 : of opportunity, 139, 193 Matlock on, 140

Equal remuneration, 112


Fabian Society, 231, 2382 Factory legislation, 27, 154, 204

Family, x, 156, 187 Feudalism, 22, 27 vransition from, 41 Finland, 226 Fourier, 99, 124, 199-202, 208 Freedom under capitalism, 73 French Revolution, 22-26, 197, 201, 206 French Socialist Party, 218-222 votes of, 222

Galileo, 1.5 George, Henry, 230 German Social Democratic Party, 215-217 votes of, 217 Gnesde, Jules, 219, 220 Guilds, 44

164, 196,

Human nature, goodness of, 124

Income tax, 160 Independent Labour Party, xi, 233, 234 Individual right, 17 Individualism and Socialism, 28, 123 atomic, 26 in nineteenth century, 26- 29 Industrial Insurance, 74, 127 Industrial Revolution, char- acteristics of, 41-47, 202


Inheritance, 129 Intemperance, 33-35 Interest, justification of, 62 International, The, 228, 236- 243

Congresses, 288-243

and anarchism, 238-241 Israel, social religion of, 20 Italian Socialist Party, 222

Japan, 227

Jaurés, Jean, 220, 221

Joint Stock Companies and capitalism, 47, 118

Labour, 61 exploitation of, 130, 131, 230

waste of, 66-70 Labour Party, 167, 168, 234,

235 err iss 151, 165, 206, 213- 16 Legislation, effect of, 74 Liberal epoch, 25 Liberty, and the state, 135 conditioned, 135, 166, 212 law and, 137 of Liberal epoch, 25, 133 political, 133 propertied view of, 25, 106 qualitative, 138 Literature, 82-88 Lollardy, 17 Ludd, Ned, 177 Luther, 23

Machinery, 176-178, 203 value of, and labour, 47 Mallock, W. H., 29, 30, 31, 52, 61, 71, 140, 141, 171, 174, 184 Marx, Karl, 92, 102, 142, 146, 149, 162, 196, 206-213, 230, 231, 234, 237, 239 Mallock misquotes, 61 Marxism, 210-213, 220 Materialist conception of his- tory, 142-147, 210, 213 Mechanical invention, and capi- tal, 43, 176, 177 under Socialism, 176-178 Mercantile Marine Company,

63 Middle class rule, 24, 105 Monopoly, 40, 55, 56-61, 132, 159, 160, 189 More, Sir Thomas, time of, 39 Utopia, 39 Motives, 118, 175 ae sevens, 27,101, 119, 7 Mutual aid, 15-17, 27, 106

National wealth, 71 distribution of, 30-36, 49, 52, 71, 126 workshops (1848), 160, 168, 218 New Zealand, 227 Norwich, social condition, 31

Over-capitalisation, 50, 65 Owen, Robert, 99, 196, 197, 202-206

Peasants’ Rising, 17, 38

Piers Plowman, 38

Poverty, 30-41, 70-78, 115 statistics of, 29-36

Prices, 63, 68

Printing-press under Socialism,

182 Private property, conditions of, 132

exploitation, 131

foundation of society, 126- 129

in industrial capital, 132

in land, 132

liberty and, 125, 130

limitation of, 130

Mill on, 126


Private property, Socialism and, 125-132

Production, limitation of, 68 purpose of, 65

Progress and Poverty, 230

ges dani: representation,

Protestantism, 22

Proudhon, 81, 208, 239 and the International, 239

Referendum, 153 Reichstag, 108

Religion, 78-82

Religious Education, 156 Renaissance, 23

Rent, nature of, 56-61, 159 Revisionism, 212 Revolution, 103-105, 170 Right to work, 76, 163-170 Rowntree, Seebohm, 31, 35, 71 Russia, 225

Saint-Simon, 196-202, 208 Science and commercialism, 88 Shareholders, a class, 48 Slavery, wage, 73, 185, 166 Social Democratic Party, 231, 234 Social Revolution, 104 Socialism and ability, 171-178 anarchism, 123-125 art, 86, 178-185 class war, 147-150 communism, 177 confiscation, 158, 161-163 definition of, xi democracy, 107, 150-154 education under, 1 72-174 equality, 112, 139-141 family, the, x, 156, 157 finance, 158 historical evolution, 15-29, 148, 195-243 human motive, 175 individualism, 123, 164 inheritance, 129 Socialism and liberty, xi, 132- 138, 193 literature, 82-88 machinery, 176-178 minorities, 185-190 newspapers, 185-190 try, 180 politics, 108, 110, 153,154— 170, 188, ’209, 241 rty, 125— 132 Pranishton, 181 religion, 79 representative ment, 153 republicanism, 151 revolution, 103-105, 150 science, 89-92, 114-121 scientific, 102 tendencies towards, 99, 116-121, 195 the state, 136, 190 trade unionism, 192, 232, 242 Utopian, 99-103, 170 workshop management, 190-195 Socialism in America, 228 Belgium, 223-225 France, 218-232 Germany, 213-217 its methods, 108-111 Great Britain, 229-235 its politics, 108-111, 235 Italy, 222 Japan, 227 Russia, 225



Socialism in Switzerland, 226 Socialist, distribution, 112-123 League, 231 methods, 99-121 palliatives, 154-157 Fag, eae 154-170 South Africa, 227 Spencean philanthropists, 203 State capitalism, 157 State, purpose of, 19, 28, 204 Steel rporation, ‘American, 58, 74, 192 Stock Exchan oe Struggle for life, 77, 98, 245 Switrerland, 161, 226

Taxation, 129

Thrift, 33 Trade de) aig 0 72

Trade Union Congress, 232 233, 284 :

Trade unionism, 45, 75

Trusts, 47, 51, 52, 55, 66, 68, 97, 118, 121, 191

Tyler, Wat, 17

ie es eg 41, 71-73,163- Utopian method, 99-103, 170 Se Emile, 162, 223, Village community, 20, 21

West Ham, 31

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