3115084The Songs that Quinte Sang — The Lost BabyMarie Joussaye

The Lost Baby.

The birds are singing sweet and clear,
Their songs are full of gladness,
The sun is shining bright, but still
My heart is filled with sadness.

It matters not how glad the birds,
Or fair the sunny day be.
My heart is heavy with its grief,
I’ve lost my little baby.

Oh have you seen him passing by,
A bonnie little fellow,
With eyes as blue as summer’s sky
And silky curls of yellow?

He disappeared quite suddenly
And left no sign or token
To let me know where he has gone;
My heart is almost broken.

A manly lad is in his place,
Much taller and much older,
With boots and pockets, sun-burned face,
A school-bag on his shoulder.

Who clasps his arms around my neck,
And laughs with boyish vigor—
“Why Auntie, dear, that baby’s me,
Only I’m grown up bigger.

“And did you really think me lost?
How could you be so silly?
For though I’m grown up ’most a man
I’m still your little Willy,

“Who’ll always love you just the same,
And some day, Auntie, may be
You’ll love me every bit as much
As you have loved that baby.”

Dear little man, a wistful note
Into his voice is creeping,
Which warns me that the boyish heart
Is full almost to weeping.

And so with tender words I haste
To soothe his heart’s dejection,
And strive with many a loving kiss
To prove my fond affection.

Dear lad, I take you to my heart,
To hold you there forever
And pray that stern misfortune’s frown
May rest upon you never.

But there’s one chamber in my heart,
Deep in the inmost center,
From all the rest it stands apart,
Within it none may enter.

And there on Memory’s golden shrine
Is pictured bright and clearly,
The image of the baby boy
I used to love so dearly.