The Souvenir of Western Women/Nez Perce Christianity
Years after the close of the Nez Perce mission the outward forms of religion were observed by the Indians. Prayers and singing were heard in nearly every lodge. At the council at Walla Walla in 1855 it was found that three lodges of the Cayuses and about one thousand of the Nez Perce Indians kept up regular family worship. They sang from the Nez Perce hymn book and read in their own language the gospel of St. Matthew, prepared for them by Mr. Spalding while at Lapwai. They showed surprising endurance of piety. Many kept up their knowledge of reading and writing so well indeed that they took notes and also made copies of the treaties and the speeches at this council at Walla Walla eight years after the close of the mission. In 1843, under Dr. White, these Indians organized a simple form of government, elected chiefs and adopted a few laws.