The Spiritual Guides of Sarwari Qadri Order/Sultan-ul-Tarikeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Syed Mohammad Abdullah Shah Madni Jilani

The Spiritual Guides of Sarwari Qadri Order
by Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman
Sultan-ul-Tarikeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Syed Mohammad Abdullah Shah Madni Jilani
2019470The Spiritual Guides of Sarwari Qadri Order — Sultan-ul-Tarikeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Syed Mohammad Abdullah Shah Madni JilaniSultan-ul-Ashiqeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman

Sultan-ul-Tarikeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Syed Mohammad Abdullah Shah Madni Jilani was born on the Friday night of 29th Ramazan, 1186 H (24th December, 1772)in Madina. He moved to Ahmedpur Sharqiah (East), Bahawalpur, Pakistan (then India)on Saturday, 29th Ramazan, 1241 H (6th May, 1826)in the reign of Nawab Bahawal Khan III. He was the great grandson of Syed Abdul Rehman Jilani Dehlvi. His ancestry goes up to Ghaus-ul-Azam Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani. When Syed Mohammad Abdullah Shah was seven years old, his mother started teaching him to memorize The Holy Quran. At the age of twelve, he had learnt the entire Quran by heart. He developed a very restless nature and found peace only while praying or reciting The Quran. So he spent most of his time worshipping Allah. He had a special place in his heart for his grandfather because he was the one who taught him about the life and personality of The Holy Prophet and showed him each and every place where The Holy Prophet had spent time between Makkah and Madina.
In 1212 H (1798 AD), his father Syed Abdul Raheem died. The grieves caused by her own relatives gave Syeda Momina a lot of pain. She died in 1217 H (1803 AD). His anxiety and restlessness had grown so much that he gave up everything that life had to offer. When his state of anxiety would intensify, he immediately started worshipping and reciting The Holy Quran but as soon as he paused, the same state took over him again. He used to travel on foot all the way from Madina to Makkah, seclude himself at Ka’aba and circumambulate around it madly. He would cling to the walls of Ka’aba and weep bitterly in order to seek Allah’s Help. Nine years passed in the same state.On the Sunday of 27th Shaban, 1226 H (15th September, 1811 AD), at the age of forty, Syed Mohammad Abdullah Shah secluded himself in Masjid-e-Nabvi seeking the heritage of Faqr and started serving there. He quietly kept himself absorbed in prayers and services of the sacred shrine of The Holy Prophet and just requested for Faqr. Syed Abdullah Shah came out of the Masjid-e-Nabvi after twelve years of stay, on Monday, 23rd Ramazan, 1238 H (2nd June, 1823 AD).
For about two years, Ghaus-ul-Azam spiritually educated Syed Mohammad Abdullah Shah. Then, he esoterically entrusted him to his son Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Razzaq saying, “He is your son and it is now your responsibility to guide him further.”Ghaus-ul-Azam ordered Syed Mohammad Abdullah Shah, “Proceed by meetingevery Sarwari Qadri Spiritual Guide according to their sequence in the Order and then reach the shrine of our beloved Sultan Bahoo which is your destination. From there you will find Faqr and get The Divine Trust.”Hence, on Sunday, 11thof Jamadi-us-Sani, 1240 H (30th January, 1825 AD), after receiving the spiritual beneficence from Syed Abdul Razzaq, Syed Mohammad Abdullah Shah started his journey.Syed Abdullah Shah reached the shrine of Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo on Monday, 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal, 1241 (24th October, 1825) and saw him waiting outside the shrine. He warmly welcomed Syed Abdullah Shah and said, “ I was waiting just for you.”
In that meeting Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo transferred The Divine Trust of Faqr to Syed Mohammad Abdullah Shah. In this way the process of transferring The Divine Trust resumed after a gap of 139 years. Sultan Bahoo spiritually educated Syed Mohammad Abdullah Shah for six months. Then he ordered him to get married in Shorkot and afterwards move to Ahmedpur Sharqiah, Bahawalpur (Pakistan)with his wife. Hazrat Syed Mohammad Abdullah Shah belonged to the Hanfi School of Thought and the Ahl-e-Sunnat-wal-Jammat sect. After his ailment which prolonged for six months, Syed Mohammad Abdullah Shah died on Friday, 29th Ramazan, 1276 H (20th April, 1860) in afternoon.