The Strange Voyage and Adventures of Domingo Gonsales, to the World in the Moon/Books Printed for J. Lever

Books Printed and Sold by John Lever, Bookseller, Stationer, and Printseller, at Little Moorgate, next to London Wall, near Moorfields.

i.The wonderful, surprizing and uncommon Voyages and Adventures of Captain Jones to Patagonia, relating his Adventures to Sea, his first Landing, and strange Combat with a mighty Bear, his furious Battle with his six and thirty Men, against an Army of eleven Kings, with their Overthrow and Deaths; his relieving Kemper Castle, his strange and admirable Sea-Fight, with six huge Gallies of Spain, and nine thousand Soldiers; his being taken a Prisoner and hard Usage; his being set at Liberty by the King's Command in Exchange for twenty-four Spanish Captains, and Return for England. A comical Description of Captain Jones's ruby Nose. Part the Second. His incredible Adventures by Sea and Land, particularly his miraculous Deliverance from a Wreck at Sea by the Support of a Dolphin; his several desperate Duels, his Combat with Baadercham, a Giant of the Race of Og, his overcoming the Giant Neerapenny, his Loves with the Queen of Noland, his basely leaving her, his deep Employments and happy Success in Business of State; all which, and more, is but the Title of his own Relation until he grew speechless and died, with his Elegy and Epitaph, the second Edition, adorned with a curious Cut of Captain Jones in Combat with the King of the Giants, &c. &c. Price only 1s.

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