The Sundhya, or, the Daily Prayers of the Brahmins/Plate 23


PUNCH AGNEE (penance by the heat of five fires).

This is among the various penances performed by the Hindoo Devotees, annually during the three hottest months, April, May, and June. Within a square space, of about 2 1/2 or 3 feet, he seats himself upon a small mat, cross-legged, as illustrated in this Plate, with the Pooran in his hand, which he continues to read during three hours, retaining the same posture immovably the whole time, whilst the fierce rays of the mid-day sun dart upon his bare head. Four fires, consisting of as many piles of dried cow-dung (commonly called Kund), and placed in the four corners of the mat, are kept up in full blaze. These fires produce a very ardent flame, and, consequently, an almost insupportable heat. The penitent does not shave during the whole of this probationary period, viz. three months. "Punch Agnee" signifies "Five Fires:" the Sun, above the head of the Devotee, is considered the fifth.



Day & Son, lithrs. to the Queen.