original title: Будущие

1882035The Sweet-Scented Name — The FutureFyodor Sologub

The Future

NO one knows what the future will bring. But there is a place where the future gleams through an azure veil of desire. This is the place where those who are as yet unborn rest in peace. There everything is joyful, peaceful, freshly cool. No grief is there, and instead of air there is diffused an atmosphere of pure joy, in which the unborn have their being.

And no one ever leaves that land unless he desires to leave it.

Once there were four souls who all wished at the same moment to be born into this world. And in the azure mist of desire our four elements were revealed to them.

And one said:

"I love the earth—it is soft and warm and firm."

And another said:

"I love water—eternally falling, cool, and translucent."

The third said:

"I love fire—gay and bright it is, and purifying."

And the fourth said:

"I love the air—stretching out so broad and high—the light breath of life."

And this is what life brought to them.

The first became a miner, and while he was at work a shaft fell and buried him in the earth.

And the second shed tears like water, and at length was drowned.

And the third perished by fire in a burning house.

And the fourth was hanged.

Poor innocent elements! Foolish desiring ones!

Oh, why did Will lead them forth from the happy place of non-existence!