WE are indebted to Prince Kropotkin for having afforded us the opportunity of publishing the following account prepared by him of the present state of his native country.

The statement is non-political and deals with the question from a purely humanitarian standpoint. The sources from which the information is drawn are indicated, the facts recorded being based on official reports, on extracts from Russian newspapers which are subjected to a rigorous censorship, and on letters from correspondents whose testimony can be relied upon.

Prince Kropotkin enjoys a unique reputation throughout Europe and America. A famous scientist and writer of books, a man of high and rare integrity who has suffered for his convictions, he has long been held in the highest esteem and enjoyed universal respect not least in this country which he has made his home for so many years.

We commend his appeal to the careful consideration of men of all parties who sympathise with the Reform Movement in Russia and desire to understand something of the difficulties with which it has to contend.

The Parliament Russian Committee