The Tragicall History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus/Scene 10

Enter Clowne and Dicke with a Cup.

Sirra Robin, we were best looke that your divell can answer the stealing of this same cup, for the Vintners Boy followes us at the hard heeles.

Tis no matter, let him come; and he follow us, Ile so conjure him, as he was never conjur'd in his life, I warrant him: let me see the cup.

Enter Vintner.

Here 'tis. Yonder he comes: Now Robin, now or never show thy cunning.

O, are you here? I am glad I have found you; you are a couple of fine companions: pray where's the cup you stole from the Taverne?

How, how? we steale a cup, take heede what you say, we looke not like cup-stealers I can tell you.

Never deny't, for I know you have it, and I'le search you.

Search me? I and spare not: hold the cup Dicke, come, come, search me, search mee.

Come on sirra, let me search you now.

I, I, doe, doe, hold the cup Robin, I feare not your searching; we scorne to steale your cups I can tell you.

Never outface me for the matter, for sure the cup is betweene you two.

Nay there you lie; 'tis beyond us both.

A plague take you, I thought 'twas your knavery to take it away: Come, give it me againe.

I much, when can you tell: Dicke make me a circle, and stand close at my backe, and stirre not for thy life, Vintner you shall have your cup anon, say nothing Dicke. O perse O, Demigorgon, Belcher and Mephostophilis.

Enter Mephostophilis.

You Princely Legions of Infernall Rule,
How am I vexed by these villaines Charmes?
From Constantinople have they brought me now,
Onely for pleasure of these damned slaves.

By Lady sir, you have had a shrewd journey of it, will it please you to take a shoulder of Mutton to supper, and a Tester in your purse, and goe backe againe.

I, I pray you heartily sir; for we cald you but in jest I promise you.

To purge the rashnesse of this cursed deed,
First, be thou turned to this ugly shape,
For apish deeds transformed to an Ape.

O brave, an ape? I pray sir let me have the carrying of him about to shew some trickes.

And so thou shalt: be thou transform'd to a Dogge,
And carry him upon thy backe, away, be gone.

A dog? thats excellent: let the maids looke well to their Poridge-pots, for I'le into the Kitchen presently: come Dicke, come. Exeunt the two Clownes.

Now with the flames of ever-burning fire,
I'le wing my selfe and forth-with flie amaine
Unto my Faustus to the great Turkes Court. Exit.