The Tragicall History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus/Scene 15

Enter Faustus, and the Horse-courser and

I beseech your Worship accept of these forty Dollers.

Friend, thou canst not buy so good a horse for so small a price: I have no great need to sell him, but if thou likest him for ten dollers more, take him, because I see thou hast a good minde to him.

I beseech you sir accept of this; I am a very poore man, and have lost very much of late by horse-flesh, and this bargaine will set me up againe.

Well I will not stand with thee, give me the mony: now sirra I must tell you, that you may ride him ore hedge, and ditch, and spare him not, but doe you hear? in any case ride him not into the water.

How sir, not into the water? why, will he not drinke of all waters?

Yes, he will drinke of all waters, but ride him not into the water: ore hedge and ditch, or where thou wilt, but not into the water: Goe bid the Hostler deliver him unto you, and remember what I say.

I warrant you sir: O joyful day, now am I a made man forever. Exit.

What art thou, Faustus, but a man condemnd to die?
Thy fatall time drawes to a finall end:
Despaire doth drive distrust into my thoughts.
Confound these passions with a quiet sleepe,
Tush Christ did call the Theefe upon the Crosse,
Then rest thee Faustus quiet in conceit.

He sits to sleepe.

Enter the Horse-courser wet.


O what a cozening Doctor was this? I riding my horse into the water, thinking some hidden mystery had beene in the horse, I had nothing under me but a little straw, and had much adoe to escape drowning: Well Ile go rouse him and make him give mee my forty Dollors againe. Ho sirra Doctor, you cozening scab, Master Doctor awake, and rise, and give me my mony againe, for your horse is turned to a bottle of Hay, Master Doctor. He puls off his leg.Alas, I am undone, what shal I do? I have puld off his leg.

O helpe, helpe, the villaine hath murtherd me.

Murder or not murder, now he has but one leg.
Ile out-run him, and cast this leg into some ditch or other.

Stop him, stop him, stop him!————ha, ha, ha, Faustus hath his leg againe, and the Horse-courser a bundle of hay for his fortie Dollors.

Enter Wagner.

How now Wagner, what newes with thee?

If it please you the Duke of Vanholt doth earnestly intreat your company, and hath sent some of his men to attend with provision fit for your journey.

The Duke of Vanholt's an honourable gentleman, and one to whom I must be no niggard of my cunning, Come away.
