The Tragicall History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus/Scene 8

Enter Faustus and Mephostophilis.

Having now my good Mephostophilis,
Past with delight the stately towne of Trier:
Environ'd with airy mountaine tops,
With wals of flint, and deepe intrenched Lakes,
Not to be won by any conquering Prince,
From Paris next, coasting the Realme of France,
We saw the river Maine fall into Rhine,
Whose banks are set with groves of fruitfull Vines.
Then unto Naples, rich Campania,
Whose buildings faire and gorgeous to the eye,
The streets straight-forth, & paved with finest brick.
There saw we learned Maros golden tombe:
The way he cut an English mile in length,
Through a rocke of stone in one nights space.
From thence to Venice, Padua, and the East,
In one of which a sumptuous Temple stands,
That threats the Starres with her aspiring top,
Whose frame is paved with sundry coloured stones,
And rooft aloft with curious work in gold.
Thus hitherto hath Faustus spent his time.
But tell me now what resting place is this?
Hast thou, as earst I did command,
Conducted me within the wals of Rome?

I have my Faustus, and for proofe thereof,

This is the goodly palace of the Pope:
And cause we are no common guests,
I chuse his privie Chamber for our use.

I hope his Holinesse will bid us welcome.

Al's one, for weell be bold with his venison.
But now my Faustus that thou maist perceive,
What Rome containes, for to delight thine eyes:
Know that this City stands upon seven hils,
That under-prop the ground-worke of the same:
Just through the midst runs flowing Tibers streame,
With winding banks that cut it in two parts:
Over the which two stately bridges leane,
That make safe passage to each part of Rome,
Upon the Bridge cal'd Ponto Angelo
Erected is a Castle passing strong,
Where thou shalt see such store of Ordinance,
As that the double Cannons forg'd of Brasse,
Do match the number of the daies contain'd
Within the compass of one compleat yeare:
Beside the gates and high Pyramides,
That Julius Cæsar brought from Africa.

Now by the kingdomes of infernall rule,
Of Stix, of Acheron, and the fiery Lake
Of ever-burning Phlegethon I sweare,
That I doe long to see those Monuments,
And situation of bright splendent Rome,
Come therefore lets away.

Nay stay my Faustus, I know you'd see the Pope,
And take some part of holy Peters feast,
The which in state and high solemnity,
This day is held through Rome and Italy,
In honour of the Popes triumphant victory.

Sweet Mephostophilis thou pleasest me,
Whilst I am here on earth let me be cloid
With all things that delight the heart of man.
My foure and twenty yeares of liberty,
Ile spend in pleasure and in dalliance,
That Faustus name while this bright frame doth stand,

May be admired through the furthest land.

Tis well said Faustus, come then stand by me,
And thou shalt see them come immediatly.

Nay stay my gentle Mephostophilis,
And grant me my request and then I go.
Thou knowst within the compass of eight daies,
We view'd the face of heaven, of earth, and hell.
So high our Dragons soar'd into the Ayre,
That looking downe, the earth appear'd to me,
No bigger then my hand in quantitie.
There did we view the kingdoms of the world,
And what might please mine eye, I there beheld.
Then in this shew let me an actor be,
That this proud Pope may Faustus cunning see.

Let it be so my Faustus, but first stay,
And view their triumphs, as they passe this way,
And then devise what best contents thy minde,
By cunning in thine Art to crosse the Pope,
Or dash the pride of this solemnitie;
To make his Monkes and Abbots stand like apes,
And point like antiques to his triple crowne:
To beat the beads about the Friers pates,
Or clap huge hornes upon the Cardinalls heads:
Or any villany thou canst devise,
And Ile performe, Faustus: harke, they come:
This day shall make thee be admir'd in Rome.

Enter the Cardinalls and Bishops, some bearing Crosiers, some the
Pillars, Monks and Friers, singing their procession:
Then the Pope, and Raymond, King of Hungary,
with Bruno led in Chaines

Cast downe our foot-stoole.

Saxon Bruno stoope,
Whilst on thy backe his Holinesse ascends
Saint Peters chaire, and state Pontificall.

Proud Lucifer, that state belongs to me:
But thus I fall to Peter, not to thee.

To me and Peter, shalt thou groveling lie,
And crouch before the Papall dignitie:
Sound Trumpets then, for thus Saint Peters heyre,
From Bruno's backe ascends Saint Peters Chaire.
A Flourish while he ascends.
Thus, as the gods creepe on with feet of wooll,
Long ere with iron hands they punish men,
So shall our sleeping vengeance now arise.
Lord Cardinals of France and Padua,
Go forth-with to our holy Consistory,
And reade amongst the statutes decretall,
What by the holy Councell held at Trent,
The sacred Synod hath decreed for him,
That doth assume the Papall government,
Without election, and a true consent:
Away, and bring us word with speed.

1 Card.
We go my Lord. Exeunt Card.

Lord Raymond.

Go, hast thee gentle Mephostophilis,
Follow the Cardinalls to the Consistorie;
And as they turne their superstitious bookes,
strike them with sloth and drowsy idlenesse:
And make them sleepe so sound, that in their shapes,
Thy selfe and I may parley with the Pope,
This proud confronter of the Emperour:
And in despite of all his Holinesse
Restore this Bruno to his liberty,
And beare him to the States of Germanie.

Faustus, I goe.

Dispatch it soone,
The Pope shall curse that Faustus came to Rome.
Exit Faustus and Meph.
Pope Adrian, let me have some right of Law,
I was elected by the Emperor.

We will depose the Emperor for that Deed,
And curse the people that submit to him;
Both he and thou shalt stand excommunicate,

And interdict from Churches Priviledge,
And all societie of holie men:
He growes too proud in his authoritie,
Lifting his lofty head above the clouds,
And like a steeple over-peeres the Church.
But wee'll pull downe his haughty insolence:
And as Pope Alexander, our Progenitor,
Trod on the necke of Germane Frederick,
Adding this golden sentence to our praise;
That Peters heirs should tread on Emperors,
And walke upon the dreadfull Adders backe,
Treading the Lyon and the Dragon downe,
And fearlesse spurne the killing Basilisk:
So will we quell that haughtie Schismatique,
And by authoritie Apostolicall
Depose him from his regall government.

Pope Julius swore to Princely Sigismond,
For him, and the succeeding Popes of Rome,
To hold the Emperors their lawfull Lords.

Pope Julius did abuse the churches rites,
And therefore none of his decrees can stand.
Is not all power on earth bestow'd on us?
And therefore though we would we cannot erre.
Behold this silver belt whereto is fixt
Seven golden scales fast sealed with seven seales,
In token of our seaven-fold power from heaven,
To bind or loose, locke fast, condemne, or judge,
Resigne, or seale, or what so pleaseth us.
Then he and thou, and all the world shall stoope,
Or be assured of our dreadfull curse,
To light as heavie as the pains of Hell.

Enter Faustus and Mephosto. like the Cardinals.

Now tell me Faustus, are we not fitted well?

Yes, Mephostophilis, and two such Cardinals
Ne'er serv'd a holy Pope, as we shall doe.
But whilst they sleepe within the Consistorie,

Let us salute his reverend Fatherhood.

Behold my Lord the Cardinals are return'd.

Welcome grave Fathers, answere presently,
What hath our holy councell there decreed
Concerning Bruno and the Emperor,
In quittance of their late conspiracy
Against our State and Papall dignitie?

Most sacred Patron of the Church of Rome,
By full consent of all the Synod
Of Priests and Prelates, it is thus decreed:
That Bruno, and the Germane Emperor
Be held as Lollards and bold Schismatiques,
And proud disturbers of the churches peace.
And if that Bruno by his owne assent,
Without enforcement of the Germane Peeres,
Did seeke to weare the triple Diadem,
And by your death, to climbe Saint Peters chaire,
The Statutes decretall have thus decreed,
He shall be straight condemn'd of heresie,
And on a pile of faggots burnt to death.

It is enough, here, take him to your charge,
And beare him straight to Ponto Angelo,
And in the strongest tower enclose him fast;
To morrow sitting in our Consistorie,
With all our colledge of grave Cardinals,
We will determine of his life or death.
Here, take his triple crowne along with you,
And leave it in the churches treasurie.
Make haste againe, my good Lord Cardinalls,
And take our blessing apostolicall.

So, so, was never Devill thus blest before.

Away sweet Mephosto. be gone,
The Cardinals will be plagu'd for this anon.

Exit Faustus and Mephosto.

Go presently, and bring a banquet forth,
That we may solemnize Saint Peters feast,
And with Lord Raymond, King of Hungarie,
Drink to our late and happie victorie. Exeunt.