The Trees of Great Britain & Ireland

The Trees of Great Britain & Ireland (1906–1913)
Henry John Elwes and Augustine Henry

The Trees of Great Britain & Ireland was a multi-volume work, privately published between 1906 and 1913.

4401104The Trees of Great Britain & Ireland1906–1913Henry John Elwes and Augustine Henry

The Trees of Great Britain & Ireland is a work, written between 1906 and 1913 by Henry John Elwes and Augustine Henry.

cover of The Trees of Great Britain and Ireland, first volume (1906)

It was privately published in Edinburgh, and consisted of 7 volumes and an index.

Some editions in libraries have separate volumes with plates, for instance in this edition in BHL.

BHL also has a different edition, where volume 1 and the index are missing, and all the plates are incorporated in the text of the other volumes.

with the following chapters:
  • Cedrus
  • Libocedrus
  • Cunninghamia
  • Liquidambar
  • Nyssa
  • Sassafras
  • Corylus
  • Carpinus
  • Ostrya
  • Nothofagus
  • Arbutus
  • Sciadopitys
  • Pinus sylvestris, Scots Pine
  • Carya
  • Platanus
  • Acer
  • Sequoia
  • Volume 4 (1909)
    • Plates to volume 4 (1909) - Plates Frontispice, and 208 to 270
  • Volume 5 (1910) (external scan)
  • Volume 6 (1912); with Plates 340 to 371 included (external scan)
  • Volume 7 (1913); with Plates 372 to 412 included (external scan)
  • Index (1913) (external scan)

  1. ** Volume 2 (1907) (transcription project) (external scan) (without Plates)
      • Plates to volume 2 (1907) - Plates 58A and 61 to 126 (and 366) (external scan)
  2. The generic description of Pinus is given in part....