The Venetian Bracelet, The Lost Pleiad, A History of the Lyre, and Other Poems/Miscellaneous Poems

The Venetian Bracelet, The Lost Pleiad, A History of the Lyre, and Other Poems (1829)
by Letitia Elizabeth Landon
Miscellaneous Poems
2491606The Venetian Bracelet, The Lost Pleiad, A History of the Lyre, and Other Poems — Miscellaneous Poems1829Letitia Elizabeth Landon


Chance notes struck from the lute—fancies and thoughts—
Shadows that haunt the poet's fairy land.

Love's words are writ on rose-leaves, but with tears.

These are the dreams that light my solitude:
Warrior thoughts—had I been a young knight,
And curb'd a gallant steed, and worn a sword,—
Heaven knows I often wish it!—sadness, signs
I fancy many a cheek betrays of love;
Records of beauty, that has seem'd to me
A thing for worship; thoughts that sprung from flowers;
Feelings on which to meditate is all
Woman's philosophy; sorrows that flung
Darkness upon my heart; unkindness, wrong,
Gentle affection too; all that hath made
My minstrel annals, are upon these leaves.