The Venetian Bracelet, The Lost Pleiad, A History of the Lyre, and Other Poems/Poetical Portrait No. V

For works with similar titles, see Poetical Portrait.
The Venetian Bracelet, The Lost Pleiad, A History of the Lyre, and Other Poems (1829)
by Letitia Elizabeth Landon
Poetical Portrait No. V
2491604The Venetian Bracelet, The Lost Pleiad, A History of the Lyre, and Other Poems — Poetical Portrait No. V1829Letitia Elizabeth Landon

No. V.

Thy beauty! not a fault is there;
    No queen of Grecian line
E'er braided more luxuriant hair
    O'er forehead more divine.

The light of midnight's starry heaven
    Is in those radiant eyes;
The rose's crimson life has given
    That cheek its morning dyes.

Thy voice is sweet, as if it took
    Its music from thy face;
And word and mien, and step and look,
    Are perfect in their grace.

And yet I love thee not: thy brow
    Is but the sculptor's mould:
It wants a shade, it wants a glow,—
    It is less fair than cold.

Where are thy blushes, where thy tears?
    Thy cheek has but one rose:
No eloquence of hopes and fears
    Disturbs its bright repose.

Thy large dark eyes grow not more dark
    With tears that swell unshed:
Alas! thy heart is as the ark
    That floated o'er the dead.

Hope, feeling, fancy, fear, and love
    Are in one ruin hurl'd;
Fate's dreary waters roll above
    Thy young and other world.

And thou hast lived o'er scenes like these,
    The terrible, the past,
Where hearts must either break or freeze,—
    And thine has done the last.

Thou movest amid the heartless throng
    With school'd and alter'd brow:
Thy face has worn its mask so long,
    It is its likeness now.

Where is the colour that once flush'd
    With every eager word?
Where the sweet joyous laugh, that gush'd
    Like spring songs from the bird?

Where are the tears a word once brought—
    The heart's sweet social rain?
Where are the smiles that only sought
    To see themselves again?

I knew thee in thine earlier hours,
    A very summer queen
For some young poet's dream:—those flow'rs
    Are just what thou hast been,—

Wild flow'rs, all touch'd with rainbow hues,
    Born in a morning sky,
Lighted with sunshine, fill'd with dews,
    Made for a smile and sigh.

But now I look upon thy face,
    A very pictured show,
Betraying not the slightest trace
    Of what may work below.

Farewell, affection!—selfish, changed,
    Thine it no more may be;
From love thou hast thyself estranged,—
    It could not dwell with thee.