The Victoria History of the County of Lincoln/Otter Hounds


No otter hounds are kennelled in the county, but now and then a pack pays it a visit, hunting the Bain in the Southwold country and the various brooks and becks in Lord Yarborough's domains. In 1904 Mr. Evan Jones brought the Ynysfor hounds and killed a fine otter in the brook between Ulceby and Thornton.[1]

  1. In compiling the history of fox-hunting in Lincolnshire, acknowledgements are due to Lord Monson, Mr. Cuthbert Bradley, Mr. G. S. Lowe, Mr. T. Wilson, M.F.H., Mr. E. P. Rawnsley, M.F.H., Mr. T. F. Dale, and Mr. J. Maunsell Richardson.