The Whetstone of Witte (1557)
by Robert Recorde

The first book on algebra in English.

4481695The Whetstone of Witte1557Robert Recorde

The Whetstone
of Witte

which is the second parte of
Arithmetike: containyng the extrac-
tion of Rootes: The Cossike practise,
with the rule of Equation: and
the woorkes of Surde

Though many stones doe beare greate price,
The whetstone is for exersice
As neadefull, and in woorke as straunge:
Dulle thinges and harde it will so chaunge,
And make them sharpe, to right good vse:
All artesmen knowe, thei can not chuse,
But vse his helpe, yet as men see,
Noe sharpenesse semeth in it to bee.
The grounde of artes did brede this stone:
His vse is greate, and moare then one.
Here if you lift your wittes to whette,
Moche sharpenesse thereby shall you gette.
Dulle wittes hereby doe greately mende,
Sharpe wittes are fined to their fulle ende.
Now proue, and praise, as you doe finde,
And to your self be not vnkinde.

¶These Bookes are to bee solde, at
the Weste doore of Poules,
by Jhon Byngstone.

Chapters (not listed in original)