The Women's War with Whisky (1874)
by Frances Fuller Victor
2689080The Women's War with Whisky1874Frances Fuller Victor

This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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Women's War with Whisky;




Mrs. F. F. VICTOR.

Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Consider ye, and call for the mourning women, that they may come; and send for cunning women, that they may come:

And let them make haste, and take up a wailing for us, that our eyes may run down with tears, and our eyelids gush out with waters.


Yet hear the word of the Lord, O ye women, and let your ear receive the word of his mouth, and teach your daughters wailing, and every one her neighbour lamentation.

For death is come up into our windows, and is entered into our palaces, to cut off the children from without, and the young man from the streets.

—JEREMIAH IX: 17, 18, 20, 21.


Geo. H. Himes, Steam Book and Job Printer,

N. W. Corner Front and Washington Streets.


ENTERED according to Act of Congress, in the year 1874,

By Mrs. F. F. VICTOR,

In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C

Do You Hear the Women Praying?

Read before the Women's Prayer League of Portland,
May 27, 1874

Do you here the women praying, Oh my brothers?
Do you here what words they say?—
These, this freeborn nation's wives and mothers,
Bowing—where you proudly stand—to pray!
Can you coldly look upon their faces,
Pale, sad faces, seamed with frequent tears
See their hands uplifted in their places—
Hands that toiled for all your boyhood's years?

Can you see your wives and daughters pleading
In the dust you spurn beneath your feet
Baring hearts for years in secret bleeding,
To the scoffs and jestings of the street?
Can you here, and yet not heed the crying
Of the children perishing for bread?
Born in fear, not love, and daily dying
Cursed of God, they think, but cursed of you instead!

Do you hear the women praying, Oh my brothers?
Hear the oft-repeated burden of their prayer
Hear them asking for one boon above all others—
Not for vengeance on the wrongs they have to bear;
But imploring, as their Lord did, "God forgive them,
For they know not what they do;
Strike the sin, but spare the sinner——save them;"—
Meaning, Oh ye men and brothers, you!

For your heels have ground the women's faces;
You have coined their blood and tears for gold,
Have betrayed their kisses and embraces,
Returned their love with curses, twenty-fold;
Made the wife's crown one of thorns, and not of honor;
Made her motherhood a pain and dread;
Heaped life's toil unrecompensed upon her
Laid her sons upon her bosom dead!

Do you hear the women praying, Oh my brothers?
Have you not one word to say?
Will a just God be as gentle as those mothers,
If you dare to say them nay?
Oh ye men, God waits for you to answer
The prayers that to Him rise
He waits to know if you are just, ere He is,—
There your deliverance lies!

Rise and assert the man hood of this nation,
Its courage, honor, might,—
Wipe off the dust of our humiliation,—
Dare nobly to do right!
Shall women plead from out the dust forever?
Will you not work, men, if you cannot pray ?
Hold up their suppliant hands with your endeavor,
And seize the world's salvation while you may?

Yes, from the Eastern to the Western ocean
The sound of prayer is heard;
And in our hearts great billows of emotion
At every breath are stirred,
From mountain tops of prayer down to Sin's valley
The voice of woman sounds the cry, "Come up:"
O men and brother's, heed that cry, and rally—
Death to the fiend that lurks within the cup!

A Great and Good Man's Opinion.

For years and years, and weary, suffering years, multiplied into decades, have the women of America waited to see the traffic destroyed which annually sends sixty thousand of their sons, brothers, fathers and husbands into the drunkard's grave. They have been impoverished, disgraced, tortured in mind and body, beaten, murdered. Under the influence of maddening liquors the hands that were pledged to provide for and protect them, have withdrawn from them the means of life, or smitten them in the dust. Sons whom they have nursed upon their bosoms with tenderest love and countless prayers, have grown into beasts of whom they are afraid, or have sunk into helpless and pitiful slavery. They have been compelled to cover their eyes with shame in the presence of fathers whom it would have been bliss for them to hold in honor. They have been compelled to bear children to men whose habits had unfitted them for parentage—children not only tainted by disease endowed with debased appetites. They have seen themselves and families thrust into social degradation and cut off forever from all desirable life by the vice of the men they loved. What the women of this country from drunkenness, no mind, however sympathetic, can measure, and no pen, however graphic, can describe. It has been the unfathomable black gulf into which the infatuated multitudes of men have thrown their fortunes, their health, and their industry, and out of which have came only—in fire and stench—dishonor, disease, crime, misery, despair and death. It is the abomination of abominations, the curse of curses, the hell of hells!

For weary, despairing years they have waited to see the reform that would protect them from further harm. They have listened to lectures, they have signed pledges, they have encouraged temperance societies, they have asked for and secured legislation, and all to no practical good end. The politicians have played them false; the officers of the law are unfaithful; the Government revenue thrives on the thriftiness of the curse; multitudes of the clergy are not only apathetic in their pulpits, but self-indulgent in their social habits; newspapers do not help, but rather hinder them; the liquor interest, armed with the money that should have brought them prosperity, organizes against them; fashion opposes them; a million fierce appetites are arrayed against them, and, losing all faith in en, what can they do? There is but one thing for them to do. There is but one direction in which they can look, and that is upward! The women's temperance movement, begun and carried on by prayer, is as natural in its birth and growth as the oak that springs from the acorn. If God and the God-like element in women cannot help, there is no help. If the pulpit, the press, the politicians, the reformers, the law, cannot bring reform, who is left to do it but God and the women? We bow to this movement with reverence. We do not stop to question methods; we do not pause to query about permanent results. We simply say to the women engaged in this glorious crusade: "May God help and prosper you, and give you the desire of your hearts in the fruit of your labors!"

It becomes men to be either humbly helpful or dumb. We who have dallied with this question; we who have dispassionately drawn the line between temperance and total abstinence; we who have deplored drunkenness with wine-glasses in our bands; we who have consented to involve a great moral reform with politics; we who have been politically afraid of the power of the brutal element associates with the liquor traffic; we who have split hairs in our discussions of public policy; have shown our unwillingness or our impotence to save the country from the gulf that yawns before it, can only step aside with shame-faced humility while the great crusade goes on, or heartily give to it our approval and our aid.

This is not a crusade of professional agitators, clamoring for an abstract right, but an enterprise of suffering, pure and devoted women, laboring for the overthrow of a concrete wrong. It is no pleasant, holiday business in which these women are engaged, but one of self-denying hardship, pregnant in every part with a sense of duty. It is the offspring of a grand religious impulse which gives to our time its one superb touch of heroism, and redeems it from its political debasement and the degradation of its materialism. It is a shame to manhood that it is necessary; it is a glory to womanhood that it is possible.—Dr. J. G. Holland, in Scribner's for May.

The Women's War with Whisky;


About the middle of last March the news began to reach us here in Oregon that a great Temperance movement, which had been begun in Ohio in the month of February, was meeting with wonderful success. The method of that movement was of a nature at once novel and simple, being nothing more nor less than prayer to God. But you say, is prayer novel? No; but it was something new to see prayer and singing carried into the streets, by people who had all their lives shut their religion up in sacred edifices, to be brought before the public conspicuously only on stated occasions.

It had somehow come to be the received opinion that the name of God should only be spoken from the pulpit, and listened to by respectable people, in their best clothes. No one had ever conceived the idea of "going out into all the world, including those places of wickedness, the liquor saloons, and carrying Christ to those who would not seek Him. Still less had they thought that women should do this work. The first suggestion has been credited to Dr. Dio Lewis; but the idea was not original with him. Since the commencement of the women's work in Ohio, several instances have been related to us of a similar plan having been adopted in isolated communites at different times.

But whose soever may have been the first thought in the present movement the time had come for its adoption. Ever since the close of our late civil war the morals of the country seemed to have been going from bad to worse with frightful impetus, until those who had the good of humanity at heart felt inclined to cry out, that our God was as deaf as the stone gods of the pagans. He was not deaf; He was only long-suffering. Men, it is true, had sinned past the power of redeeming their errors. They had consented to a corruption of public morals and private living that began at last to terrify themselves. In this emergency God breathed upon the hearts of women, and with one impulse and accord they thankfully accepted the trust.

What an electric thrill that was that ran through through the nation! It was as if some great ship had been foundering at sea, and suddenly, in the midst of the despair, a voice cried out: "We are close upon shore! If some one will volunteer to take a line through the surf, we are saved!" And then a prayer had been offered, and the most consecrated person of all that trembling company had launched himself into the stormy surf to try to reach the firm land with the life-saving line. Tearfully all eyes were fixed upon the bold adventurer whose life was in God's hand; but when after a terrible struggle with the breakers they saw him standing in safety on the beach, what a shout went up, what grateful prayers were uttered what happy tears were shed! Such was the tearful, prayerful enthusiasm of this temperance work among women. And, thank God, they will, we firmly believe, be able yet to save this country.

A meeting was called at the Baptist church, A. R. Medbury, pastor, for Tuesday, the 1oth of March; and from this time on, meetings were held daily at some one of the churches for the period of about one week, the ladies seeking Divine guidance by frequent, earnest prayer. The Taylor Street Methodist church being most centrally located was finally fixed upon as the place of daily meetings, and was announced to be open for prayer at morning, noon and night.

From the first inception of this work Rev. Mr. Medbury, of the Baptist church, threw his whole heart into it, and together with Dr. Atkinson, Rev. G. W. Izer, of the Methodist church, Rev. Mr. Eaton, of the Congregational church, Rev. Dr. Lindsley, of the Presbyterian church, and Rev. T. L. Eliot, of the Unitarian church, made frequent stirring addresses upon the subject of Temperance. The three first mentioned gentlemen, during the whole period now passed, of four months, have never slacked their exertions, and to them undoubtedly is owing much of the present success of the Temperance cause.

On the 16th of March, the Woman's Temperance Prayer League was organized, the following officers being chosen Mrs. M. A. Mitchell, President; Mrs. Dr. Atkinson, Vice President; Mrs. Amory Holbrook, Secretary; Mrs. Helen Sparrow, Treasurer. After the usual business of organizing, a pledge was presented by the pastors of the several churches which was adopted by the ladies, after which some time was given to earnest prayer. From this time up to the time of writing this account prayer meetings have been held almost every week-day; meetings for addresses almost every evening of the week; and Union Temperance meetings at some of the churches, usually at the Taylor Street church, every Sunday evening. The subject of Temperance has been discussed from every possible stand-point, and reviewed in the light of Law, Science, Morality, Religion, Finance and Patriotism, and yet the people are not wearied with the discussion. So intimately is it related to every human interest, and to our immortal welfare, that it seems impossible to exhaust the subject.

On the 17th of March, it was agreed to send an appeal in a printed form to the saloon-keepers that they might know the action the ladies were taking, and be prepared to act on their own part as they should decide. It was also agreed that the church bells should be rung when the ladies started out with the pledges, in order that united and earnest prayer might be offered for their success; and that the gentlemen, friends of the Temperance cause, who could, should unite themselves in an auxiliary society to assist the ladies in any way desired.

On the 18th the Appeal was printed and circulated, and at the same time copies of it in large type were posted up around the city.

The first enrolling committee consisted of one lady from each church viz: Mrs. M. A. Mitchell, Mrs. S. V. Hill, Mrs. — Jones, Mrs. — Bond, Miss — Atwood, Mrs. — Weeks, Mrs. — Stout, and Mrs. — Meyer. On the 18th were added Mrs. Warren, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Sparks, Mrs. Wadhams and Mrs. Burrage from serving; Mrs. Turner was chosen Assistant Secretary, and three Vice Presidents were added to the corps of officers already elected, viz: Mrs Medbury, Mrs. Robb and Mrs. Burrage. The committee appointed to divide the city into districts were: Mrs. Burrage, Mrs. Northrup, Mrs Hurgren and Mrs. Ritter. Canvassing the city with pledges commenced on the 18th, and on the 20th 1,152 names were reported. With very few exceptions the ladies were courteously received, even when the pledge was declined, for business or other reasons, and very many wished them God-speed, while refusing to pledge themselves.

The most remarkable feature of this work from the commencement was the strong though heretofore hidden sentiment in the minds of the people in favor of total abstinence. None but those actively engaged in canvassing the city could be persuaded that in a community so apparently careless of the evil of indulgence in intoxicating drinks, a serious conviction of this kind could really exist; but so it was found to be, and more especially among women, who, having been compelled to suffer the worst evils of intemperance in silence and without redress, gratefully accepted the first promise of deliverance from the terrible and calamitous oppression The ladies of the committee were assisted by volunteers from the different churches, and by those who were connected with no church, but who felt that in this much needed reform was work for all to do.

By the 23d the city had been pretty thoroughly canvassed, only three districts remaining. Private houses, business places and schools had been visited with the "Citizen's Pledge, "and a special pledge had been presented to druggists about half of whom signed it. A motion was made by Mrs. Gaston in the meeting of the 20th to send the list of names obtained to the Common Council, as an expression of the public sentiment. The pledge continued to be circulated, and also offered in the evening meetings; and it became the custom to relate in these meetings any interesting incidents connected with each day's work on the street. Mrs. Mann and Mrs. Gaston met with some very interesting experiences at the jail; and in Miss Richards' district four men requested the prayers of the ladies, one man especially thanking God that he had been enabled to keep the pledge for a few days, and promising to rely upon Him for strength in the future.

Mrs. Gaston received a letter from one of the prisoners visited, who expressed a determination to lead a new life, and prayed earnestly for the success of the Temperance work. He expected to be released in ten days, destitute of everything, and wanting something to do. He asked the prayers of the ladies for strength to resist temptation.


The first discussion on the propriety of visiting saloons took place on the 23d. The President, Mrs. Mitchell, felt that the time had come. Earnest prayer had been offered for guidance during a period of t weeks, and all preparatory mncasures had been resorted to. Mrs. Meur thought it proper and consistent to approach the saloon-keepers in the same way other citizens had been approached, before proceeding to an special measures with them. After considerable discussion for and agains a motion was made for volunteers to take the pledge to the saloon that morning. Mrs. Gaston and Mrs. Mann decidedly opposed it, wanting more time to prepare; but a vote being taken, the following ladies volunteered Mesdames Medbury, Sparrow, Francis, Mitchell, Ritter, Quackenbush, Sparks, Corson, Sutherland, Turner, Reid, and Miss Richards.

A pledge was prepared for grocers, which was the occasion of a call for other volunteers: and Mesdames Stitzel, Northrup, and Dillon offered themselves. Mesdames Shindler, Robb, and Swafford volunteered to visit the hotels; Mesdames Bond and Traver, the restaurants; and Mrs. Turner, the banks. This important business meeting closed with very earnest prayer by several of the ladies.

At the afternoon session of the 23d, 130 additional names were handed in by Mrs. T. L. Eliot and others who had been circulating pledges Miss Richards reported that during the forenoon one saloon-keeper expressed his willingness to quit the business of liquor selling if he could dispose of his stock in trade. Mrs. Mitchell reported that the ladies had been politely received at most of the places visited.

Mrs. Stitzel reported thirteen groceries visited. Six of them sold liquors; four signed the pledge. Miss Turner procured three signers at the banks. Mrs. Shindler reported eight hotels where liquors were not kept Mrs. Robb stated that two or three hotel-keepers offered to sell out their liquors, and give up their bars. Committees were then assigned to canvass the Custom House and Flander's Wharf, the Bulletin office and Brass Foundry, Northrup's Store, and hotel opposite, and Railroad Office. We cite these particulars to show how thorough ladies.

Mrs. T. L. Eliot proposed that a fund be established for the aid of those who might be induced to give up the sale of liquors. This suggestion produced considerable discussion. Among other things, Mrs. Ritter remarked, that "not one cent of her money should go to purchase the stock of any liquor-seller." A motion was, however, made that a committee be nominated to carry out Mrs. Eliot's plan of establishing a fund to assist those who might relinquish the business of dealing in intoxicating drinks A motion was afterwards made to reconsider this motion, which was carried. After renewed prayer, a call was made by the President for volunteers to visit the saloons that afternoon. Fourteen ladies arose.

It was hoped at first that large numbers of women could be found willing to undertake the work of visiting the saloons, as there had been in the Middle and Western States. But in Portland this seemed so repugnant and terrible to most women, the most devout, that the number going out to hold religious services in drinking places or on the street has never at any time exceeded forty-three, seldom more than twenty-five. The reason for this must be, we think, in the floating character of our Pacific Coast population, the saloon-keepers, generally, being unknown to the women, either by sight or name; the great number of reckless men known to frequent such places; as well as to the reluctance of ladies in general toward intrusion into places which men have set apart for their vices. It is well known to women that men protect themselves from intrusion by holding out the fear of insult, and seek to cover with shame the woman who shall dare to thrust herself into their company in certain places set apart by themselves for questionable practices. Just as if a man could have two characters, and be a fit associate in one place and not in another! Notwithstanding the inconsistency of this tabooing of the place and not of the men, women shrink from the mere mention of the one, while they receive the other to their homes, and too often to their hearts. Such is the influence of custom.

To resist this force of custom, and dare to invade the hiding-place of vice, requires the most entire consecration—a preparation by prayer, and absorption of the soul in the work of doing good, without regard to popular estimation, such as the few only ever attain. Hence it was that only fourteen arose upon the second call for volunteers to visit the saloons The hearts of many other ladies were with these elected Crusaders, and many shed tears because they could not decide to go. These remained to pray for their heroic sisters.

The first day's work at the saloons was performed by ladies going and two simply to leave the "dealers pledge;" and in most places they were politely treated, as before remarked: but at the famous "Web-Foot" the proprietor begun as he has since, consistently, at least, held out.

Were it not that there is too much serious earnest in this work, and too much of serious import involved in it; if it were not that there still lingers in the mind of a great many people some slight respect for sacred things, for old age, and for the womanly character—some of its incidents must provoke a smile at the simple and devout character of some of the leaders in it, so in contrast with the pagan recklessness of these they hoped to save The reception, for instance, which Mr. Moffett gave the two elderly ladies who called to leave the dealer's pledge with him on that opening day of the Crusade, while it plainly reveals in its true light the brutalizing influence of the business of liquor-selling, sets in such strong contrast the earnest and guileless natures of those Christian women as to cause a sense of mirthfulness to arise in the midst of our indignation.

As is well known, Mr. Moffett's place is upon a corner, with a door upon each side, so that one can pass into one on Morrison street and out at the other on First street, almost at a stride. The two ladies, trembling, but full of holy zeal, paused at the entrance on Morrison street, and stepped into the saloon whose proprietor was as unknown to them as the proprietors of other saloons. As they entered, Mr. Moffet, on the alert, (for the saloon-keepers on this Coast had not been reading the news from the East without preparing for a contest,) entered by the First street door, which brought him face to face with his visitors. Without giving them time to announce their errand, he seized them each rudely by an arm, and thrust them into the street, exclaiming. "Get out of this! I keep a respectable house and don't want any d——d wh——s here."

Shocking as such a reception must have been to any woman, many long and earnest prayers had given these women a preparation for these two thus insulted, turned and looked up over the door to ascertain what sort of a place, kept by what sort of a man, this might be; and the name struck her with horror.

"Walter Moffett!" she exclaimed. "Can this be Walter Moffett? Why Walter Moffett, I used to know you; and I prayed with your wife for your safety when you were at sea years ago!"

"I don't want any of your d——d prayers; I want you to get out of this and stay out; that's all I want of you. I don't keep a wh——ehouse."

If any one supposes it does not require an utter consecration to what is conceived to be the highest duty, to prepare pure-minded ladies to en counter such base and ruffianly assaults as these, that person is in error. Thoughtless men have made such remarks as this; "They must have a great deal of cheek!" If by that they mean boldness and assurance, they are very much mistaken; for the most patient and persistent laborers in this field are meek and quiet Christian women, who have never before so much as spoken aloud in their own churches; humble women who have never essayed to lead in anything, not even the fashions!—industrious women many of whom labor for their own support. And perhaps this is one reason why the ranks of the Crusaders have been so little reinforced A life of ease and indulgence seldom fits any one for real downright duty and self-sacrifice. All reforms have been begun by, and carried along by, the laboring, self-reliant, middle-class of people—from the time of Jesus of Nazareth down to the present. While the Scribes and Pharisees are theorizing they are working. Given a dozen fishermen of Gallilee, with Christ or with Paul for a leader, and their work reaches down the centuries Very likely they may be "without honor in their own country," but the nations of the earth shall hear of them


On the next day after presenting the pledges at the saloons, the ladies went out in a band to pray with and for them. The "Mount Hood" saloon was the first one visited. The proprietor received them kindly, and owned that the business was not one that could be defended, and that he would be glad to be out of it. In fact this saloon was closed out not long after the Crusade began, as also one or two others.

The great number of pledges taken, and the enlightenment of the people concerning the poisonous drugs and in compounding so-called wines, brandies, and even whisky, through the labors of Dr. Atkinson chiefly, so lessened the number of drinkers that saloon-keeping became anything but the profitable business it had been hitherto. Several of the principal places resorted to giving free drinks in order to collect a rude crowd about their places to interrupt the reading, singing, exhorting and large assemblages of people gathered to witness them. But on the other hand, out of these crowds almost daily some man was drawn who had been brought by the efforts of the ladies to see the error of his ways, and led to strive after a better life.

Often the saloons were closed against them, and they were compelled to hold their services on the street. But this only brought the larger audiences. Often, too, they were assailed by abusive language, and even roughly handled. This, too, opened the eyes of many to the brutalizing effects of drinking, and led them to declare that if that was what whisky brought men to, they would never drink another drop; and every such convert only strengthened the resolution and faith of those who by their sufferings were able to save some. One instance will serve for an example of many that followed it.

A fine looking young man was standing on the edge of a crowd that had gathered at the "Web-Foot" to see Mr. Moffett insult and abuse praying women. When they left and went to another saloon, he followed them; and so around during a whole morning. At last he called one of the ladies aside, and said to her: "I never until this morning realized the wickedness of this business—never thought I was doing wrong to drink; but now I see it and know it. I see the difference between Christian women, such as you are, and these men, or myself; and I am going to sign the pledge, and by God's grace try to be a Christian. Will you pray for me?

Those who have heard the prayers and seen the tearful faces of these women while they related these daily incidents in the noon and evening meetings, know whether or not they pray for such cases as these. If God hears prayer, or regards tears, theşe men will be saved to themselves, to the world, and to God.

There are several places in the city where it has seemed impossible to produce the slightest effect upon the hearts and consciences of the keepers or inmates. One of these is the "Oregon Exchange." Frequently when a visit from the ladies was anticipated, some ridiculous or scandalous performance was gotten up to divert the ladies from their purpose; such as a man fantastically dressed, a la Negro Minstrels, dancing, and drinking from a bottle, etc. To these performances the ladies closed their eyes, going through the services as usual, and quietly departing at the close.

Other persons closed and locked their doors. In fact every course was resorted to that could by any possibility discourage or terrify these devoted women. Yet they would not shrink from anything. One of the worst places visited was kept by two women. With these the ladies felt that they must succeed; but they seemed as hardened as any men in the same business. After several solemn and impressive prayers, tracts were left, and the ladies went their way.

Going to the same place two or three days afterward, as the ladies approached the house, one of the women flew in a rage to close the door. Then, as they knocked for admission, the voice of contention was heard within. One woman said they should not be admitted, and the other with equal decision declared that they should. After a brief parley the door was opened and the woman by whom it was opened not only listened tearfully to their prayers, but begged for more tracts, and avowed her intention of writing to her brother for money to take her back to her friends in the East, where she hoped to live a different life. It is always doubtful, of course, whether these sudden resolutions are kept; for there is so much in the way of these repentant sinners to prevent their return to virtue; and so much apathy in the public mind, and in the Christian min concerning whether they shall be saved or not; so little chance of he from any source except God alone!—and they have not yet learned to trust Him.

Occasionally an incident happened at some of the places visited their regular rounds, that brought smiles to the faces of the most earnest. At one German saloon the proprietor rushed out, when he saw the ladies coming, swinging his arms, and shaking his fists in the most excited manner, and exclaiming: "Vat you vant here? You shust go vay! Get off mine sidevalk! Vat for you come here so mooch, braying und singin und making my license so pig? You shust go vay—I vill not haf it Vat you vant? You make a church of mine house!—ruin my piznes No, no, you can't do dat; you moost come here no more. You shut come here vonce more, you vill see vat I vill do mit you! My piple sas you moost not bray on de street corners, but you moost bray at home You go home to bray!"

The band struck up singing a hymn, and one of the ladies advanced.. speak to the irritated German, who disappeared within the house followed by the single exhorter. At the close of the singing and praying the Crusaders moved on; seeing which he came to the door, gazing after them and exclaiming as if horror-stricken

"Vell, if dere is not a burty young girl mit dose vimmen! Vat a shame! Vat a shame!" Probably he thought a hurdy-gurdy house a better place for a "burty young girl" than "mit dose vimmen."

At more respectable (?) places different treatment awaited the ladies. They were permitted to hold services inside the saloons, in billiard-rooms etc., and drinking was not allowed during the visit. At one prominent place the ladies at one time hoped to gain the proprietor over to their side. He did not attempt to defend the business, and professed to wish it unknown to his friends in the East. Yet it was his business, and as respectable as it could be made: he was in debt and wanted to get out—such were his excuses. "The argument is all on your side, ladies," he would say, "but money is my object."

Nevertheless he seemed sometimes almost constrained to vield, and the ladies hoped against hope that he would see the right way, and give the first example. It would have been a brilliant victory-the forerunner of many more, and they did so earnestly desire it for that reason. But it was otherwise ordered. It was impossible to take Portland by storm, the Ohio towns had been taken, because this movement did not come upon them like a surprise, as it did there. They were prepared, and s soon as they became convinced that the ladies were in serious earmest organized for defence, and mutual support. In this manner, those that were "almost persuaded to be Christians," were held back from doing as their best impulses prompted, by the advice of the rest.


Thus the work went on. Such ladies as could not go upon the streets volunteered to provide lunches at the church, on stated days, that the Crusaders might not be forced to return to their homes before the day's work was done. The clergymen and other gentlemen held prayer meetings during those hours when the ladies were holding street exercises. For these exercises they were always prepared by morning and noon prayer; so that it might be said that the voice of supplication for the removal of the evil of intemperance was constantly arising at all hours of the day and far into the night.

Monday the 23d of March was appointed as a day of fasting, the church bells to ring at 9 o'clock, A. M., for the commencement of united solemn supplication to God for the purification of our city, and the whole country

About the middle of April Mrs. A. C. Gibbs drafted a petition to the Common Council, asking for measures to be taken for the suppression of the liquor traffic in Portland. The ladies took it in hand, districted the city, and in the space of three or four days more than 1,800 names had been obtained to this petition which was forthwith presented to the Council. Such was the anxiety of the petitioners that they gave the Councilmen no rest from importunities until they had received assurances that some action should be taken toward a considerable increase of licenses, if not absolute prohibition. That, indeed, was more than the most sanguine could hope for, so intimately is the liquor traffic interwoven with every branch of business, and so powerful the combination of dealers in the soul-destroying traffic.

But this was not all of the opposition to be encountered. That "wonderful power of inertia" which hangs to the skirts of luke-warm Christians, and characterless good people everywhere, had to be striven against, as well as the active opposition. Many persons would not even sign the petition to the Common Council, because of this indifference, though none were found who did not agree that Portland had altogether too many drinking saloons. Tradesmen were reluctant to do so, for fear of losing the custom of the liquor men. Clerks and salaried men often refused through fear of their employers. Men frequently said they did not drink, themselves, but did not wish to have anything to do with this movement. Others had wines at home, and so could not consistently take any action against the free sale of liquors. These last generally advised the ladies to teach their sons to be temperate at would be well with them. They could see no inconsistency in teaching temperance, and practicing social drinking under the same roof. Many women professed "to have no interest in the matter," saying that their sons and husbands gave them no uneasiness, therefore they thought the ladies had better stay at home and attend to their households. Many a slattern gave this wholesome advice to the neat and intelligent sister who was laboring for the good of every boy and man in the city, as well as every woman and girl; for it is ever the feminine half of the world that suffers for the sins of the masculine half.

About this time, also, besides the labors of the clergymen already mentioned. Gov. Gibbs and H. H. Northup, of Portland, and Judge Greene of Olympia, expounded the laws relating to the granting of licenses, by the sufferance of the people-not a justification of the traffic that make one necessary. Such sufferance can at any moment be terminated, whenever the people declare that the nuisance, whatever it be, shall be abated.

The effect of alcohol upon the stomach and brain was ably expounded to large audiences by Dr. Watkins and Dr. Dickson, in very instructive and able lectures, showing conclusively that it furnishes no aliment to the system, and is never assimilated, but remains a foreign and undigested element, until the forces of the body at great expense of effort get rid of which it was clearly shown that a license is only the legal expression of it as best they can.

Other persons produced statistics to show the immense amount of grain and of capital consumed in the manufacture of intoxicating drinks; the almost incredible consumption of liquors, and the effect upon the morals and health of the nation. It was shown that from forty to ninety per cent. of arrests all over the Union are the result of liquor-drinking; that our prisons and poor-houses, and our lunatic asylums largely, also, are filled by the victims of drink. The conclusion was plain that the tax upon liquors which forms so important a source of revenue is offset by the cost to the people of supporting the machinery of criminal arrests, prosecutions, and punishments. In Portland is this especially true, where licenses bring the city a revenue of $13,000; while the cost of maintaining the police force, which is principally employed in taking charge of "drunk and disorderly" persons is $36,000. It was stated that it would take $6,000 support a saloon for one year. Portland supports sixty-five drinking-houses, which at that estimate would require $390,000 to keep them up. That large sum expended for a vice, would support the city government, and render comfortable all the poor families now suffering in consequence of the wrongful diversion of this money to illicit uses. And when it is considered how much money is spent at houses of ill-fame in this city, by those who but for the stimulant of drink would never degrade themselves by such associations, it is easy to compute something of what this abominable vice costs the city of Portland.


And although men are the sinners in its vending and its use—with few exceptions—women and children are the sufferers. A man does not break his own heart by his drunkenness and debauchery; it is his wife's heart, or his mother's or his sister's, that suffers all the anguish of shame, of sorrow, or of despair. He wastes his fortune or his earnings; but his family suffers the loss; for in the insensibility of drunkenness he is conscious of no loss. He gives the blows and curses; they bear them; He loses his soul; they mourn over it.

What wonder then that like an electric spark, God's indication to women that he wished them to take up the work of overcoming this monstrous evil before it had destroyed the race, ran with electric rapidity from shore to shore of the continent, firing the hearts of women as they had never been fired before. Good men have helped us with their prayers, their words, and their works. But it has been from the first, and will remain to the last, the work of women. The shackles of suffering submissiveness have fallen from their hands. Not that the war they wage is a conflict of blood, or hate, or contention. It is the peaceble war of the spirit of prayer and entreaty, beseeching men to abandon the wrong, and espouse the right.

The practice of relating in the noon and evening meetings the events of the day finally led to what is denominated the "ladies' meeting," held at first on Saturday evenings only, but subsequently on Tuesdays and Fridays of each week. The meetings were of rather an informal character, where all persons who had anything to say were invited to speak; but were conducted by, and chiefly contributed to by the ladies. Speeches, essays, reading and singing filled up the evening; and although meetings were held not only on these nights but nearly every night of the week, the interest never seemed to abate. Considering the little time taken up for preparation, the essays read on "ladies' nights" were remarkably excellent. The literațure of the Temperance Crusade is by no means of an indifferent order of merit.

To the great comfort of the Crusaders, who bore the brunt of the battle, they were often cheered by communications from a distance, both from individuals, and societies. The following is a copy of a circular received from the Temperance Union of Adrian, Mich., approved and adopted by the Prayer League of Portland, and still remaining in force:

To all Sister Unions to whom this may come, Greeting:

Believing, as we do, that God's gifts in answer to prayer are unlimited-"Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name he will give it you"—John XVI., 23; and believing that the fervent, importunate prayers of the women of the nation have already done much towards removing the National sin of Intemperance; and believing, also, that its total extermination, under the blessing of the All-powerful Father, is to be produced chiefly by women's works and prayers, and that power and strength come from united effort: we do, therefore, recommend to our sisters that Thursday of each week, at 3 o'clock P. M., be observed throughout the nation as a "National Temperance Prayer Meeting," and that the last Thursday in May be the time fixed upon for the first meeting.

Should this meet the approbation of your Union, please respond affirmatively as soon as possible, and oblige,

Yours truly,
Mrs. A. F. BOURNS, Pres.

Mrs. A. HOWELL, Sec'y.
Mrs. S. GRAVES, Cor. Sec'y.

It was unfortunate (according to human judgment) that early in the Crusade movement many ladies who at the first seemed warmly interested, and willing to work, fell away when it began to be a settled fact that street-praying would be followed by the President of the League, and others, who could see no other plan of action promising so good results. They regarded the inspiration of the whole movement as from God, and knew no way but to go to work depending upon God, and in the spirit and example of Jesus Christ. This they felt must be the right way—the right way—and upon it they could ask God's promised blessings. It was the way the Lord had prospered in the Eastern States, and they were justified in hoping for the like answer to their prayers.

This defection of their sisters who preferred to work by secular means fearing the contumely of appearing in saloons or upon the street, was by far the heaviest cross the real Crusaders had to bear. It was a two-fold cross. For had there been a hundred women visiting the saloons together, they would have carried weight by the force of numbers merely; whereas a little band of six or a dozen, or even two dozen, could be surrounded, annoyed, abused, and insulted by the brutal rabble gathered up for that very purpose. Even that was not the worst; for by withholding the presence, their encouragement and sanction, and intrenching themselves in a refined sensitiveness, they seemed to say that they had one God and the Crusaders another; and to throw doubt upon the power of the Crusader's God to answer prayer. It was, however, unintentionally, a rebuke to the praying women, and a crumb of encouragement to the liquor sellers, which they gladly made the most of. But so God was trying their faith. Well is it for them that they held on and were not dismayed.

Those ladies who could not see that God had indicated to them the more than one poor wanderer heard the call to return, while listening to those fervent prayers and solemn hymns. More than one man said what is here recorded of one who listened to the prayers of the women before the Web-Foot saloon, while Mr. Moffett was throwing fire-crackers among strangely; I feel that God is in this place. I listened to those women them, and otherwise annoying and insulting them. Said he: "I feel praying, and then I tried to go away. I did go away across the street to whenever I came here I felt the presence of God. He is round abou the Occidental, but I was forced to return, and more than once. And those women, in the midst of this rude and noisy crowd. For eight years I had not been inside of a church-I do not know that I have heard a Prayer in all that time. But the prayers of those women went straight 10

way, and were yet unable to find any way so good as God's, were not all oil them able to keep out of the snare set for them, and were guilty of doube. ing by implication, the motives of their sisters, and the power and not even thoughtful readers of history, or acute moral philosophers, or love of God as shown to them that faithfully serve Him. They were they should have known when to seize that "tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune,” or success, which is the same. It will be well for them if their omission does not leave them “bound in shallows and in miseries " for the remainder of this struggle with intemperance. “Man's necessities are God's opportunities," and God had shown Himself willing to help in our necessities; was it wise to slight the opportunity ? Yet, with all their discouragements, the Crusaders received much spirit- ual help and almost daily evidence, not in their own hearts merely, deeply impressed as they were, but in the incidents attending their work from day to day. It was no small thing to them to see the signs of awakening conscience in men who were apparently hardened in sin. Was it not that which Christ chose for himself—the joy of joys—to see men turn away from sin to purity and a godly life? More than one man gave his testimony to the efficacy of their prayel visited. In passin in sight of the crc June roth." very rude and bo laughter and vulg stood near listenin and they seemed June 26.—“Band morning. There streets, in the vici almost no drinkin forward in Thine These hasty m prayerful spirit in confess me before Heaven." From the begi both wholesale a have been held f combatting the g that they compla loss of reputation business disreput mouths ? Is salo- public attention munity? No ar store would hav business ought to reputation; and who attempts to nor a wholeale a public be compe perate character drinks are in the my heart, and having once heard them, I cannot keep away. I go to the church now and love to go."

We quote a few paragraphs from the "Records" of the League showing how the women themselves were impressed: May 28.—“The Lord I blessed us richly in our morning labors, and we felt that the absent members suffered loss." May 29th.-" The Lord was with us, and those who listened were respectful and attentive. Many encouraging words were spoken.” June 1st.-" The unanimous expression of the band engaged in the work this morning was of joy and peace in the Lord. As this was election day, every one was surprised at seeing us on the street. Our best friends predicted a riot, and advised us, as there was an all-day prayer meeting, to remain at the church. But we felt that God called us to go forth in His name, and we went, feeling sure ol His protection. A more quiet election was never held in Portland. Twenty-eight saloons visited. In passing two polling-places we stopped to pray and sing a hymn in sight of the crowds gathered there.

June 10th.—“Visited several saloons. At the Diana the inmates were very rude and boisterous, disturbing the prayers and hymns with shouts of laughter and vulgar speeches. Several magdalens of the neighborhood stood near listening quietly. Some of the ladies talked kindly with them, and they seemed pleased to listen, saying they were glad we came.” June 26.-"Band work performed in the northern part of the city this morning. There did not appear to be many unemployed persons on the streets, in the vicinity of the saloons. So far as we could see, there was almost no drinking. O God, our Father, revive Thy work, and carry it forward in Thine own way!”

These hasty memoranda of each day's work testify to the earnest and prayerful spirit in which that work was performed. "For whosoever shall confe-s me before men, him will I confess before my Father which is in Heaven."


From the beginning of the Crusade the opposition of the liquor-dealers both wholesale and retail, has been steady and united. Secret meetings have been held from time to time to consider the most effectual means of combatting the growing temperance sentiment. They have two grievances that they complain of-loss of money by a falling off in their sales, and loss of reputation—for they say that this prayer movement is making their business disreputable. Is this not being condemned out of their own mouths ? Is saloon-keeping less respectable than formerly? or is it not that public attention is being called to the fact that it is dangerous to the com- munity? No amount of praying before a dry-goods store or a provision store would have the effect to make that business disreputable. Any business ought to have odium cast upon it that lays not one claim to good reputation; and there is not one saloon-keeper of average intelligence, who attempts to defend his business on any ground except that of money; nor a wholeale dealer who pretends to call it right. Then why must the public be compelled to tolerate a wrong, and a wrong of the most des- perate character ? For these liquor men admit that bad as alcoholic drinks are in their purity, they do not sell pure liquors. The liquors sold, at retail especially and the lower the place, the baser the liquor compounded of a variety of vile and poisonous substances and mur! What does the reader think of champagne which sells at $2 go per costing to compound only 30 cts.? It is not surprising that so many rush into saloon-keeping when the profits of their business are from fire seven hundred per cent.?

What is surprising about it is, that men dare to make a business of poisoning their customers; or that men can be found who are willing pander to the basest appetites, and the lowest vices of other men have pride enough to he sensitive about their business being made diste liquors in Portland to-day, who have owned that they know that the end utable. What is shocking about it is, that there are men selling druzza and that they are not always careful enough in mixing them! No won of their drugs is quite often to produce the sudden death of the drinke will not give it up, make the desperate fight they do over it. A man w that such a business cannot stand praying! No wonder that those can fight for it at all, must needs fight desperately. Their courage is on that of a clean conscience, but of a desperate determination, and a dou? ful issue. What transpired in the secret sessions of the liquor dealers no one a say; but a unanimity of action was generally perceptible on the follory days. It would seem as if it had been agreed that certain rules of conex: should be observed, and certain means agreed upon to be used by diferen persons. If so, then it fell to Mr. Moffett to try the effect of fire, vze and noise in “abating the nuisance of prayer and singing." On the occasion of one of the earliest visits of the ladies to the We Foot, Mr. Moffett made such demonstrations as drew about them a res crowd of people and obstructed travel. This was just what was desz: on his part, as it gave him an excuse for calling in the police, who act! ordered to disperse the crowd-meaning the women. One of the oticias acting on the instructions given him, began not only to order awar- women, but laid violent hands on them, and without respect to the point hairs of some, pushed them rudely about, bruising the shoulder oil* lady against the post of the awning. and consi own way deserted interrupte But na home as jail, when refreshm lacking being ca the side decided saying, is been ille States, po his own The a tion in enemies had not of polic But tl quaintar had per Since they were compelled, they yielded without a word or nothing tious mc of pers first visi carry th of duty mains v a legacy ers, onl ever vis strance, and started back toward the church. But one lady put her han through the officer's arm, and told him with much firmness that it went, he should go too! to which he was constrained to submit txt occasion was improved to the edification of that officer, who was of indignant friends. the church and confronted not with Crusaders only, but a goodly n. continue to visit this particular saloon, both by the League and its support The subject was discussed, proand con, whether or not the League shul for if they were prevented from going to one place by the violent constant ers. The resolution arrived at was, that if any were visited, all mus of the proprietor, they would probably be debarred from going other places in the same manner. to ways unable But her

Accordingly when the regular time arrived to visit the Web-Foot again, after seeking Divine guidance the ladies, fifteen in number, once more presented themselves; and after the usual means had been adopted by Mr. Moffett to attract a crowd, the police were again called upon, and ordered to arrest the ladies for praying and singing.

The officer who had them in charge, not liking his duty very well endeavored to persuade them to go quietly home; but as they declined to promise compliance, he signified to them his intention of taking them to jail, and started them in the direction of the Police Court. After walking a couple of blocks in the direction indicated, some one discovered that no officer was in attendance; and as the ladies then were not so familiar with Police Courts and prisons as they have since become, they stopped and considered whether it was customary for arrested persons to find their own way to jail. Concluding that it was not, and believing themselves deserted by the guardians of the law, they turned back to resume their interrupted duty.

But now the officer, seeing that they were not frightened into going home as he had suggested, really did appear and escort them to the city jail, where they spent a couple of hours in prayer and song, to their own refreshment and the delight of the other prisoners. Counsel were not lacking who volunteered to defend them. A special session of the Court being called, Messrs. C. W. Parrish and H. Y. Thompson appeared on the side of the accused. After a hearing of the complaint, Judge Denny decided that there was no ordinance under which they could be held; saying, in substance, that had there been such an ordinance it would have been illegal, as the Constitution of the State of Oregon, and of the United States, permitted every person to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience.

The arrest of the ladies created, of course, a strong feeling of indignation in the community among their friends, and rejoicing among their enemies. It also increased the number of those who thought the ladies had not chosen the right way of making temperance converts; the idea of policemen and prisons being too terrible to contemplate.

But these ladies contended that they were glad they had made the acquaintance of both. They were glad to know in what spirit the officers had performed their duty, and whether they were trustworthy, conscientious men: and they were glad to know what a prison was like, what sort of persons were to be found there, and how it felt to be there! Their first visit to the jail had made them anxious to return to it that they might carry the truth and mercy and promises of God to its inmates. The feeling of duty towards those "in prison" impressed them very strongly, and remains with them to-day, a; it will always remain with them, and become a legacy to their daughters. Up to the time of this arrest of the Crusaders, only one woman in Portland of Christian character and feeling, had ever visited those in prison to converse with them and try to point them to ways of holy living. This one woman has been an invalid for months, unable to go her weekly rounds among the poor and despised of the earth. But her mantle, God be thanked! has fallen upon other shoulders; and where she worked alone before, there will be many to continue her labor of love.

The arrest of the ladies caused many to advise them not to go to the Webfoot Saloon-to leave that out of their plan of work altogether. But this they could not consistently do. It was as much their duty to persuade Mr. Moffett to leave off liquor selling as to persuade any man in the bus

Some of the ladies, indeed, felt inclined to impre tianity and insulting good women, for the sake of such a business. them betrayed or felt any fear. If they feared anything, it was that others whistle, and by means of gongs, drums, hand-organs, etc., collected a large crowd, which soon entirely surrounded them. Some friends had sen loon. But no sooner had they appeared in front of his place, and asked the Crusaders, sixteen in number, paid another visit to the Webfoot Sa. the excuse of needing money, could be the owner of two drinking saloone Mr. Moffett's excitability on this topic to the prickings of an uneasy coo God, and in His very presence with them, never wavered. Although they Actuated by these ideas, on the afternoon of Thursday the 16th of Apri science, and thought it even a hopeful sign. They could not understand might be injured in the melee, every moment growing more ungovert- could not communicate with each other, each one of them felt so firmlr The Women's War with Whisky; nor how he could consent to make himself notorious by scoffing at Chri

permission to pray and sing there, than Mr. Moffett blew his policemans how a man of wealth, and of respectable business standing, who had n them camp-stools soon after their arrival. These were placed on the and another had a pistol held at her head by Mr. Moffett himself.

outer edge of the sidewalk, and in this position the crowd in the stree e the crowd pressing in between them and the saloon completely hemme them in. In this situation they maintained their calmness, and endeavore to carry on their devotional exercises cans and hand-organ, together with the murmurings and shoutings of the mob, so completely drowned their voices that they were not heard'even by themselves. Still they sang, and knelt in prayer, keeping a serene and joyous trust in God. The scene which was there and then enacted rivalled Pandemonium. Many of the friends of the ladies, anxious for their safety, hurried to the place, augmenting the crowd already collected, and thereby increasing the apparent danger. A large proportion of those present were street idlers, some of them roughs and blackguards; but even the roughest, if not intoxicated, felt the course Mr. Moffett was taking to be uncalled for and outrageous, and were disposed to fight in their behalf. The ladies, on their part, could not be heard, even in remonstrance. To escape from the crowd, had they wished it, would have been neary impossible. But they did not wish it. Their faith in the protectio The noise of gongs and drums, tin street stopped to learn something of what was transpiring in the centre of the surging mass of humanity, through which they were obliged to force their way, and by stopping, only added to the confusion. Thus this strange scene was prolonged from half-past two o'clock in the afternoon until six in the evening—until the gong-beaters, drummers, and organ-grinders had become exhausted, and the mob was weary of its own riotousness. The concert of discordant sounds having dwindled away to a spasmodic tin can or two, the spectators gradually retired. When the way was cleared, the ladies also took leave, having endured for three and a half hours such things as would have commonly driven them mad with fright, or caused them to faint or go into convulsions. If there are those who do not believe in divine interposition in certain cases, here is a problem for them to solve. Where did the strength of these women come from? If you were to meet any of them in the ordinary affairs of life, you would say they are not bold or courageous women. Are the weak made so strong simply by feeling that they are on the side of the right? If so, what an argument for the right!

ay the 16th of April to the Webfoot Sa is place, and asked ew his policeman's c., collected a large me friends had sent ere placed on the vd in the street and ompletely hemmed ss, and endeavored ngs and drums, tin d shoutings of the not heard even by ing a serene and d Pandemonium. ety, hurried to the eby increasing the were street idlers, oughest, if not in- called for and out- in remonstrance. have been nearly the protection of 7. Although they nem felt so firmly e, that not one of it was that others more ungovern- about, and win- out of the saloon, himself. ad collected, fill- up and down the As they were returning to the church with sad and solemn faces, they were met by a venerable gentleman, who stood with white head uncov- ered as they filed slowly by like wearied soldiers. More than one man that day was convinced of his sins; and quite a number of drinking men declared themselves converted to temperance simply by witnessing the depths of degradation to which the habit of selling liquor could bring a man. These men went by the name of "Moffett's converts." Among the children whom Mr. Moffett was trying to press into his ser- vice, was a little son of one of the Crusaders. Being told to beat a drum, he took the sticks and threw them among the crowd. On being threat- ened with punishment if he did not recover them, he ran in among the crowd as if to look for the lost sticks, but instead made his way to his mother, who was kneeling in prayer, and remained by her side until she left the place. The wife of an Irish drayman said to a friend of the Crusaders, "My husband is a drinking man, and many is the dollar he has spent at Mof- fett's, but he says he will never buy another glass at that place." Perhaps nothing that has occurred since the commencement of the Crusade has proven a stronger argument for this movement than the conduct of this one man, who, previous to these events, was generally supposed to be a very fair man; but who, excited by the fear of pecuniary losses, has ex- hibited unconsciously the more serious losses he has sustained in himself by the liquor traffic. It might be asked what the police were doing all the time that gongs, drums, tin cans, and other discordant instruments of noise were making a disturbance upon the street, and men were engaged in warlike demon- strations against each other. Apparently they were awaiting an intimation from some one as to whom they should arrest. they had been reproved by the ladies for too readily and too roughly On previous occasions obeying the requests of Mr. Moffett. On the occasion of their arrest, too, Judge Denny had dismissed the complaint. Besides, it is to be presumed that, as men with some sentiments of reverence for religion, and regard for womanhood, they disliked to assume the responsibility of making of prayer and singing a misdemeanor: and this was what they must have known Mr. Moffett was trying to do. Neither would they interfere in this plainly concerted scheme of his until there should be need of their services. They preferred, so long as no serious assault was committed, to let Mr. Moffett conduct this riot in his own fashion. And perhaps they were right.


On the morning following this scene at the "Web-Foot," the Crusaders resuming their work upon the street, appeared once more in front of Moffett's. Previous to this, Mrs. Moffett had conversed with some of the ladies, and had urged them to desist, lest her husband should do some violent act through which he should be brought into trouble. But the ladies were still hopeful, saying that nothing like the love of gain alone could make a man of Mr. Moffett's intelligence behave as he had done. It must be, they thought, that his conscience tormented him, and that he took these violent means to rid himself of his sensitiveness. With this hopeful view of his case, nothing could turn them from the purpose of continuing their efforts for his redemption. Could one such man as this be persuaded to turn into the right path, they might reasonably expect to find many following his example. If they gave him up, others would claim the same exemption. Such reasoning, with their views of what was their duty to God, left them no alternative but to keep right on as they had begun. Accordingly, after solemn and heartfelt prayers at the church on Friday morning, they returned to the charge. Immediately a crowd was at tracted to the spot in expectation that the scenes of the day before would be repeated. But they were disappointed. Mrs. Moffett was there with one of her children, and no disturbance was raised. She again appealed to the ladies to leave her husband to his own ways; but was met by the eloquent counter-appeal of one of the band whose father had peished by drink, and whose son, though carefully reared, was on the road to ruin from the same cause.

The usual exercises continued some time uninterrupted by the remarks of spectators. It was whispered to the ladies by professed friends that a warrant was being prepared for their arrest; yet they were not deterred by any apprehensions of what might follow.

At half-past eleven, Chief of Police, Lappeus, appeared bearing a warrant, which upon being shown to the ladies, they obeyed by accompanying him to jail. An immense crowd followed to the very entrance of the building, to which the Crusaders gave no heed, but entered singing "All hail the power of Jesus' name," a hymn too familiar

At the jail they found friends and lawyers awaiting them; and while they were preparing for business, sought strength for the coming trial in to need quoting.

prayer and song to God. The following is THE CHARGE. CITY OF PORTLAND, 118. MRS. SHINDLER, MRS. SPARROW, MRS. STITZEL, MRS. RITTER, MRS. FLETCHER, MRS. SWAFFORD, MISS CRANSTON, MISS DEVORE, Et al., STATE OF OREGON, 25 DEFENDANTS, Are accused by this complaint of violating Ordinance No. 475 of the City of Port- land, committed as follows: The said defendants, on the day of April, A. D. themselves in a dis- 16th 1874, in the city aforesaid, did wilfully and unlawfully conduct orderly and violent manner, on the corner of First and Morrison Streets, by mak ing a loud noise and creating a disturbance, whereby the peace and quiet of said city was disturbed, and contrary to the Ordinance in such cases made and provided. M. F. MULKEY, Ctty Attorney. Dated, Portland, the 17th day of April, 1874. County of Multnomah.} ss. WALTER MOFFETT. I, Walter Moffett, being first duly sworn, say the foregoing complaint is true as I verily believe. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 17th day of April, 1874. E. A. CRONIN, Notary Public, State of Oregon. 1 Two of the ladies mentioned in the charge were not present at the time of the arrest; and one not with the Crusading Band when they "wilfully and unlawfully conducted themselves in a disorderly and violent manner," being with them on Friday morning was arrested. Twenty-two ladies were taken to the Police Court. By the advice of counsel the accused plead "not guilty," and the case being postponed until the next day, Mr. Cronin, attorney for the complaining witness, demanded bail. The Judge, however, declined to require bail, though the friends of the ladies, who had hastened to their relief, stood ready to be made responsi ble, and the prisoners were released on their parol. THE TRIAL. At one o'clock P. M., the Court convened, the crowd about the doors being so great that the defendants and their lady friends had to be ad- mitted by a private door. Never had a Portland Police Court presented such a spectacle. Inside the bar were seated, counsel, reporters and prisoners. The usual prisoners' dock was filled with ladies, as well as half the usual audience room outside of the bar. Crowded together as thickly as they could stand were many of all classes of citizens, the jam extending far out into the hall. Mr. Mulkey, for the city, and Mr. Cronin, for Moffett, represented the complainants. Messrs. Parrish, Northup and Shoup were present to defend the ladies. Mr. Parrish obtained leave to withdraw the plea of "not guilty," and file a demurrer to the complaint as follows: Now comes the defendants and demur to the complaint herein, for the reasons: First-That the same does not contain facts sufficient to constitute a misdemeanor or crime. Second-That the same does not allege facts, but conclusions. Third That the said complaint is not drawn substantially in accordance with Chapter VIII of the Criminal Code of Oregon. The third demurrer referred to the fact that no one was charged ex- cept in the title of the complaint; but the demurrer was over-ruled. Mr. Parrish then applied for a separate trial, on the ground that it might be necessary, in the event of the acquittal of one of the defendants, to examine her as a witness for the remainder. The application was denied. 4 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/26 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/27 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/28 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/29 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/30 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/31 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/32 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/33 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/34 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/35 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/36 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/37 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/38 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/39 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/40 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/41 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/42 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/43 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/44 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/45 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/46 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/47 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/48 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/49 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/50 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/51 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/52 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/53 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/54 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/55 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/56 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/57 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/58 Page:Women's War with Whisky.djvu/59 sought to save men from their sins, in Christ's name. It consecrated every interest—including woman's tenderest one, her good name—to the work of uprooting the greatest moral evil of the times.

If in the pursuit of this great good they unwittingly discovered to themselves and the world, before unknown powers of doing good in other ways than one—in all ways—let us thank God, who sent them the inspiration. And let us do them honor for what they have accomplished. But let us not presume to interfere with their work.