The Writings of Carl Schurz/From Rutherford B. Hayes, January 17th, 1877

Columbus, O., Jan. 17, 1877.

I returned late last night, and find here your letter. I have no time to reply suitably this morning, but hasten to assure you that nobody is authorized to represent me on the subject of the count. I have thought it fitting that I should let that matter well alone. Of course I have opinions. But I shall abide the result. No one ought to go to war or even to law about it. I am free to say to you that I concur with Kent. But others abler to judge think otherwise, and I recognize their right as good Republicans so to think. Many good Republicans think that the interests of the party will be promoted by Tilden's success. I can see many reasons for this opinion. In the absence of Congressional action the Vice-President should count and declare. I am favorably impressed with leaving it to be decided by lot. But I beg you to believe me sincere when I say that I take no part in this, and shall quietly await the event. There is a contingency which I must be prepared for. I must consider, if not write, an inaugural, and consider, if not appoint, a Cabinet. On these points I shall be glad to hear from all of my friends. I had a good talk with General Cox at Toledo, Saturday.

Write often and fully.