The Writings of Carl Schurz/To Charles Francis Adams, Jr., August 18th, 1875


Grindelwald, Switzerland,
Aug. 18, 1875.

Since I wrote you last I have been in that doubtful state of mind not uncommon with those who have a high respect for the opinions of their friends even when they disagree with them. I received your second letter enclosing one from Halstead to you; then one from Halstead to myself, one from Nordhoff, one from Field, one from Lodge, etc. Finally I concluded that, although I was by no means certain that it would not be best to let the Ohio campaign work itself out without much of an effort on our part, I ought to go and see whether my friends were not, after all, right in calling me to that field of action. I dislike to lose a chance for doing something that ought to be done. So I have resolved to return home as soon as possible. I shall leave Switzerland to-morrow although Mrs. Schurz, who was obliged to keep in bed yesterday, is scarcely able to travel. I have telegraphed for passage, and hope to be able to sail on September 8th, possibly on the 1st. In short, I shall try my best to get away as soon as possible. I may say by the way that my urgent friends in America are not at all in favor with my family here, for I have had to break up very rudely and suddenly a most pleasant circle.

Now, I do not want to have my hurried return talked about at all until I am there. If the papers should get hold of it, there would be all sorts of paragraphs about combinations, etc., which it is best to avoid,—especially as I may, in spite of all effort, be delayed, finding the steamers crowded or something like that. You know, it is not the easiest thing in the world to transport a family, so I should be glad to have the thing kept quiet.