The Writings of Carl Schurz/To Edward L. Pierce, April 22d, 1859


Prescott House, New York, April 22, 1859.

Things are working well. I had an interview with Greeley to-day, who will admonish the voters of Massachusetts to vote against the two years amendment. At the same time, an address to the citizens of Massachusetts, signed by the leading Republicans here, and urging your people in the same direction, will be published in the Tribune. To-morrow I shall go to Auburn in order to get Seward to write to his friends in Massachusetts to the same effect. Thurlow Weed, I think, will make his voice heard in the Albany Evening Journal. A German Republican editor of this place will furnish you some more protests and articles of Democratic papers. This morning I wrote another letter to General Wilson. Tell him that Greeley will back him strongly as soon as he comes out. Urge him on, urge him on! there is no time to be lost. I shall try to see the editor of the Evening Post to-morrow, in order to start him in the same direction.

It seems to me, if there were besides you half a dozen men who are determined that this thing must be voted down, it would be voted down. Give Wilson no rest until he has written the letter and see to it that it be a strong one. No milk and water! Let nothing be done by halves.

Next Tuesday I intend to be at Milwaukee. If you should receive any letters for me, please send them to that place. And, believe me, I shall be always very happy to hear from you. I am sorry that we have not more opportunities to work side by side. But who knows?

Attend to Wilson, and get that letter out of him as soon as possible. Give him no rest.