


I. The Next Time By Henry James Page 11
II. Earth's Complines   Charles G. D. Roberts 60
III. Tirala-tirala   Henry Harland 65
IV. The Golden Touch   Rosamund Marriott Watson 77
V. Long Odds   Kenneth Grahame 78
VI. A Letter Home   Enoch Arnold Bennett 93
VII. The Captain's Book   George Egerton 103
VIII. A Song   Dollie Radford 121
IX. A New Poster   Evelyn Sharp 123
X. An Appreciation of Ouida   G. S. Street 167
XI. Justice   Richard Garnett, LL.D., C.B. 177
XII. Lilla   Prince Bojidar Karageorgevitch 178
XIII. In an American Newspaper office   Charles Miner Thompson 187
XIV. A Madrigal   Olive Custance 215
XV. The Dead Wall   H. B. Marriott Watson 221
XVI. Mars   Rose Haig Thomas 249
XVII. The Auction Room of Letters   Arthur Waugh 257
XVIII. The Crimson Weaver   R. Murray Gilchrist 269
XIX. The Digger   Edgar Prestage 283
XX. A Pen-and-ink Effect   Frances E. Huntley 286
XXI. Consolation   J. A. Blaikie 295
XXII. A Beautiful Accident   Stanley V. Makower 297
XXIII. Four Prose Fancies   Richard Le Gallienne 307
XXIV. Two Letters to a Friend   Theodore Watts 333


I. The Guitar Player By George Thomson 7
II. Durham   F. G. Cotman 62
III. A Penelope      
IV. Sohrab Taking Leave of his Mother   Patten Wilson 87
V. The Yellow Book   Gertrude D. Hammond 117
VI. Star and Garter, Richmond   P. Wilson Steer 164
VII. The Screen   Sir William Eden, Bart. 183
VIII. Padstow   Gertrude Prideaux-Brune 217
IX. Souvenir de Paris   Charles Conder 253
X. Wasser-Thurm, Nürnberg   Wilfred Ball 266
XI. The Mirror    
XII. Keynotes   Fred Hyland 278
XIII. Trees   Alfred Thornton 292
XIV. Gossips   A. S. Hartrick 303
XV. Going to Church      
XVI. A Study   William Strang 327

The half-tone Reproductions in this Volume are by the Swan Electric Engraving Company.


The Yellow Book

Volume VIJuly, 1895


The Editor of The Yellow Book can in no case hold himself responsible for unsolicited manuscripts; when, however, they are accompanied by stamped addressed envelopes, every effort will be made to secure their prompt return. Manuscripts arriving unaccompanied by stamped addressed envelopes will be neither read nor returned.


The Yellow Book

An Illustrated Quarterly

Volume VIJuly, 1895

London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, Vigo Street

Boston: Copeland & Day


Ballantyne Press

London & Edinburgh