The Youth's Companion, July 19, 1860
4549422The Youth's Companion, July 19, 1860 — Prayer


Wake, little child, the morn is gay,
The air is fresh and cool;
But pause awhile, and kneel to pray,
Before you go to merry play,
Before you go to school.

Kneel down, and speak the holy words:
God loves your simple prayer,
Above the sweet songs of the birds,
The bleating of the gentle herds,
The flowers that scent the air.

And when the quiet evenings come,
And dewdrops wet the sod,
When bats and owls begin to roam,
And flocks and herds are driven home,
Then kneel again to God.

Because you need him day and night,
To shield you with his arm;
To help you always to do right,
To feed your soul and give it light,
And keep you safe from harm.