The Zoologist/4th series, vol 1 (1897)/Issue 674/A List of Birds Observed in Shetland, May and June 1897

A List of Birds Observed in Shetland, May and June 1897 (1897)
by Bernard A.E. Buttress

Published in: The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 1, issues 674 (August, 1897), p. 360–362

4061186A List of Birds Observed in Shetland, May and June 18971897Bernard A.E. Buttress


By Bernard A.E. Buttress.

The following is a list of the birds which I observed during a three weeks' stay in the Shetland Isles. It will be noticed the number of species given is sixty-three; of these I found the eggs of twenty-seven, while twenty-three of the remainder were undoubtedly nesting.

In spite of the law protecting them, I was sorry to find on Foula some thirty robbed nests of the Bonxie (Great Skua), and only two or three containing eggs. I think I am quite within the mark by putting the number of this fine species trying to breed there at forty pairs.

The occurrence of the Buzzard breeding so far north has not, I think, been for some time noted, although Dr. Saxby, in his book, mentions it as nesting.

From enquiries made, there are at least five nesting places of the White-tailed Eagle still remaining, most of them in quite inaccessible spots.

Saxicola œnanthe. Very numerous everywhere. Eggs found.

Pratincola rubicola. Three pairs on Unst. Nesting.

Phylloscopus trochilus. Saw a single example at Walls.

Troglodytes parvidus. Fair scattering, especially round lochs. Nesting.

Motacilla raii. Approached close to pair at Haroldswick, Unst.

Anthus trivialis. Noticed three pairs in different localities. Nesting.—A. pratensis. Very abundant in places. Eggs found.—A. obscurus. Quantities on all the shores and cliffs. Nesting.

Chelidon urbica. Many at Foula; also in other parts. Nesting.

Cotyle riparia. Saw several at Symbister, Whalsay.

Passer domesticus. Several pairs around each house. Eggs found.

Acanthis flavirostris. Extremely abundant everywhere. Eggs found.

Emberiza miliaria. A fair scattering in inhabited districts. Nesting.—E. citrinella. Two or three pairs at Walls. Seen building.

Sturnus vulgaris. Numerous in most cliffs. Eggs found.

Corvus monedula. Several about Lerwick. Nesting.—C. corax. By no means uncommon. Young seen.—C. corone. One bird at Vaila Sound.—C. cornix. Very numerous. Eggs found.

Alauda arvensis. Abundant on all sides. Eggs found.

Buteo vulgaris. One pair nesting on Unst. Eggs found.

Haliaëtus albicilla. One at Bressay. Nests on Noup of Noss.

Falco peregrinus. Pair at Hermaness, Unst. Nesting.

Phalacrocorax carbo. Fair number round Scalloway. Nesting.—P. graculus. Immense numbers on coast. Eggs found.

Sula bassana. Two or three odd birds flying overhead.

Anas boscas. Fair sprinkling about. Young seen.

Fuligula marila. Solitary example on loch near Walls.

Somateria mollissima. Abundant on mainland. Eggs found.

Mergus serrator. Two or three pairs near Walls. Nesting.

Columba livia. Common in all cliffs. Eggs found.

Crex pratensis. Pair on Foula; one heard at Balta Sound.

Gallinula chloropus. Pair at Walls. Nesting.

Ægialitis hiaticula. Abundant; generally distributed. Nesting.

Charadrius pluvialis. Fairly numerous on the hills. Young found.

Vanellus vulgaris. Many pairs in places. Nesting.

Hæmatopus ostralegus. Abundant on coast. Eggs found.

Gallinago cœlestis. Pairs scattered on moors. Eggs found.

Tringa alpina. One pair on Saxaford Hill.

Totanus hypoleucus. Several round Walls. Nesting.—T. calidris. Two pairs at Bridge of Walls.

Numenius arquatus. Commoner on Unst than elsewhere. Eggs found.—N. phæopus. Flock of seven at Walls.

Sterna fluviatilis. Fair number on lochs and coasts.—S. macrura. Abundant in some districts.

Larus ridibundus. Saw few pairs, but exceedingly local.—L. canus. Large colonies on holms in lochs. Eggs found.—L. argentatus. By far the commonest Gull. Eggs found.—L. fuscus. Generally distributed. Eggs found.—L. marinus. Very fair scattering on west coast. Nesting.—L. glaucus. Saw one individual in Blue Mull Sound.

Rissa tridactyla. Large colonies in several places. Nesting.

Stercorarius catarrhactes. Small colonies on Foula, mainland, and Unst. Eggs found.—S. crepidatus. Breeding in considerable quantities. Eggs found.

Alca torda. Plentiful on suitable cliffs. Eggs found.

Uria troile. Saw many colonies on west coast. Nesting.—U. grylle. Scattered almost everywhere on coasts. Eggs found.

Fratercula arctica. Vast numbers on Unst. Eggs found.

Colymbus glacialis. One pair near Clonstel. Eggs found.—C. septentrionalis. Several pairs near Walls. Eggs found.

Fulmarus glacialis. Large colony on Foula. Eggs found.

Puffinus anglorum. Colony on Foula; one bird, Unst. Eggs found.

Procellaria pelagica. Saw few at Hermaness. One egg found.

This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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