Thom's Irish Who's Who/Brooke, Sir George Frederick

2917644Thom's Irish Who's Who — Brooke, Sir George Frederick

BROOKE, Sir George Frederick, Bart. (Unit. Kgd., 1903), D.L., City of Dublin; J.P., Co. Wexford (High Sheriff, 1882); J.P., Co. Dublin (High Sheriff, 1898); a Director of the Bank of Ireland; Deputy-Governor, 1902 to 1904; Governor, 1904-190(5; eldest son of the late Francis H. Brooke, Esq., of Summerton, Co. Dublin, and his wife, Hon. Henrietta, dau. of 3rd Viscount Monck: b. 1st, 6th Aug., 1849; m. 1st, 6th April, 1875, Anna Maria (d.1877), dau. of Geoffrey J. Shakerley, Esq.; 2nd, 21st April, 1881, Emily A. (d. 1910), dau. of Augustine H. Barton. Res.: Pickering Forest, Celbridge, Co. Kildare. Clubs: Carlton, S.W.: Kildare Street, and Sackville Street, Dublin.