Thom's Irish Who's Who/Carroll, Brig.-Gen. John William Vincent

2927739Thom's Irish Who's Who — Carroll, Brig.-Gen. John William Vincent

CARROLL, Brig.-Gen. John William Vincent, C.M.G. (1916), D.S.O. (1919). Educ.: Woburn; Oratory School. 2nd Lieut., Norfolk llegt., 1891; served in W. Africa, Northern Nigeria, 1895-99 (two medals and 6 clasps, despatches, Bt.Major); served in S. African War in Mounted Infantry, 1899-1901 (Queen's medal and 3 clasps); Commandant Mounted Infantry, Egypt, 1909; Lt.-Col. Commanding Mounted Infantry, South Africa, 1910; Lt.-Col. Commanding 7th (Service) Batt. Norfolk Regt., 1914-15; served European War (despatches); Comdt. on lines of communication, 191819; Commanded the Russian Force at Morjegorskaia, March, 1919. Recns.: steeplechase riding, polo, cricket, hunting; b. 12th July, 1869; son of late Frederick Maxwell Carroll, J.P., of Moone Abbey, Co. Kildare; m. 1901, Barbara Mary, dau. of late James Tindal Woodroffe, C.S.I.; two sons, two daus. Res.: Moone Abbey, Moone, Athy, Co. Kildare. Clubs: Naval and Military, Sports.