Thom's Irish Who's Who/Harbison, Thomas J. S.

Thomas James Stanislaus Harbison

3145201Thom's Irish Who's Who — Harbison, Thomas J. S.

HARBISON, Thomas J. S. (M.P. for North East Tyrone, Dec, 1918; M.P. for Cos. Tyrone and Fermanagh, Northern Parliament, Ireland, 1921); admitted a Solicitor, 1891; M.P. for E. Tyrone, bye-election, 1918. to Dec, 1918; Member of Irish National Convention, 1917; Member of Tyrone County Council, 1911; son of late John Harbison; b. 1864; m., 1st, Elizabeth, dau. of late Nathaniel Maguire, J.P., of Bonebrook, Co. Cavan; 2nd, 30th June, 1920, Annie Josephine, eldest dau. of late John Beveridge, B.L., Town Clerk of Dublin. Res.: Loy, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone. Royal Automobile Club, London.