Thom's Irish Who's Who/Harris, Major George Arthur

3155038Thom's Irish Who's Who — Harris, Major George Arthur

HARRIS, Major George Arthur, D.S.O. (1917). O.B.E. (1910); Major late 12th Middlesex Regt. and 15th London Regt.; Dublin University Officers' Training Corps: b. Longford. 27th Oct., 1879. Educ.: Trinity College, Dublin; Scholar, Senior Moderator, and Gold Medallist in Mathematics and Mathematical Physics; Hon. M.A., University of Dublin, for services in connection with Military Education in Ireland; Administrative Civil Staff of the Admiralty, 1904; Local Government Board for Ireland, 1906; Private Secretary to Rt. Hon. Sir Henry A. Robinson, K.C.B., Vice-President of the Board, 1912-1914; D.A.Q.M.G., General Headquarters, Dublin, 1917-19; Secretary, Departmental Committee on Irish Education, May, 1919; Secretary, Irish Public Health Council, Sept., 1919: Registrar-General Nursing Council for Ireland, Feb., 1920; Assistant-Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs. Northern Ireland, 1922. Res.: Belfast.