Thom's Irish Who's Who/Harrison, Major Michael Charles Cooper

3155070Thom's Irish Who's Who — Harrison, Major Michael Charles Cooper

HARRISON, Major Michael Charles Cooper, D.S.O. (1918), M.C., 5th Royal Irish Regt. Educ.: Bradford; Sandhurst. Entered Army, 2nd Royal Irish Regt., 1906; Lieut.. 1908: Capt. and Adjt., 1914: Batt. Major, 1919; served Expeditionary Force (severely wounded and taken prisoner, despatches): after five attempts to escape from Germany, 1915, succeeded in Sept., 1917, and rejoined his old Batt. in France in Dec.; Acting-Major and 2nd in Command, Feb., 1918, and Temp. Lieut.-Col., March, 1918; reached Mons at signing of Armistice; transferred to Army of Rhine, 1919 (despatches twice). Recns.: athletics: half-mile champion of Ireland, 1910. quarter-mile, 1914; winner of many races at Army meetings, 1910-13, and at Blackheath and London Athletic Clubs; eldest son of Robert F. Harrison, K.C., of Dublin; b. 1888. Res.: 17 Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin.