Thom's Irish Who's Who/Hewson, Capt. Lionel Lloyd

3165019Thom's Irish Who's Who — Hewson, Capt. Lionel Lloyd

HEWSON, Capt. Lionel Lloyd, M.V.O. Educ.: Ardvreck School. Perthshire, and U.S. College, Westward Ho: served in Cape Mounted Rifles, 1892-5, and on Pondoland Annexation Expedition; through South African War with S.A.L.H., Roberts' Horse, Kitchener's Horse, and Lord Longford's Irish Horse (Squadron Leader); South Irish Horse, 1904-9; Royal Munster Fusiliers, 1914. Recruiting, 1915, 16, 17. First Editor of Irish Life, and Golf Correspondent for several journals; b. 1874; nephew of first Earl of Cranbrook; m. 1918 to Helena Frances, dau. of F. T. Jervois, Esq., Youghal. Recns.: fishing, golf, shooting. Res.: Gathorne, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin.