Thom's Irish Who's Who/MacSwiney of Mashanaglass, Marquess V. E. P.

Thom's Irish Who's Who
MacSwiney of Mashanaglass, Marquess V. E. P.

Valentine Emmanuel Patrick MacSwiney

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MacSWINEY OF MASHANAGLASS, Marquess V. E. P., K.G.C.H.S., K.C.P. K.S.G.; B.-ès-Lettres Univ. of Paris; Chamberlain of Honour to H.H. Leo XIII., 1893, and Privy Chamberlain, 1895; or. hereditary Roman Marquess, 1898; Vice-President of International Scientific Congresses of Catholics at Fribourg, 1897, and Munich, 1900; Envoy Extraordinary of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre to the Crown Prince of Belgium, 1900; Privy Chamberlain to Pius X., 1904 (resigned office, 1909): one of the Apostolic Legation to Ireland for the consecration of Armagh Cathedral, 1904; one of the special delegation for the reception of diplomatic missions on the occasion of Pius X's Jubilee 1908; Inspecting Officer, Irish National, Volunteers for Co. Kerry, 1914; has Cross Pio Ecclet Pont.: Fellow R.S.A.I. Author of a volume on the International Scientific Congress of Catholics at Brussels, 1895,; volumes and pamphlets on the diplomatic relations between Portugal and the Holy See and Montenegro and the Holy See; many pamphlets and articles in English, French, Italian, and Spanish; son of V. P. MacSwiney and Emma Countess Konarska; b. 1871; m., 1st, 1895, Stella Cavalcanti de Albuquerque (mar. annulled by the Holy See); 2nd, 1910, H. H. Anna Countess Von. Schlitz, and has issue one son and two daus. Res.: 39 Upper Fitz William Street, Dublin.