3302625Thom's Irish Who's Who — Marsh, Henry

MARSH, Henry, C.I.E. (1900), M.I.C.E: Served in Irrigation dept., Public Works dept., N.W. Provinces, India, 1874-1902; Chief Engineer and Sec. to Government, United Prov. 1902; member Legislative Council, 1903; ret. 1905; Consulting Engineer to Government, India, in Central India Native States, 1905-8; Constructing Engineer of Irrigation Works, Central Argentine Railway, 1911-13; fourth son of late Francis Marsh, J.P., of Springmount, Queen's Co.; b. 1850; m., 1st, 1879, Alice (d. 1881), dau. of Very Rev. W. S. King, Dean of Leighlin; 2nd, 1884, Helen (d. 1915), only dau. of late Rev. J. Freke, Rector of Stackallan, Co. Meath. Res.: Springmount, Mountrath, Queen's Co.; E.I. United Service Club.