Thom's Irish Who's Who/Maxwell, Col. The Hon. Henry Edward

died 1919

3303813Thom's Irish Who's Who — Maxwell, Col. The Hon. Henry Edward

MAXWELL, Col. The Hon. Henry Edward, D.S.O (1900); D.L., J.P. Co Cavan (High Sheriff, 1900); served in S. African War, 1899-1902; Lieut.-Col. 2nd Batt. Black Watch, 1903-7; ret. p., 1908 brevt. Col., 1906; son of late Hon. Richard Maxwell, and brother 10th Baron Farnham; b. 1857; m. 1887, Edith, dau. of late Col. R. A. G. Cosby, of Stradbally Hall, Queen's Co., and has issue one son and one dau. Res.: Arley, Mount Nugent, Co. Cavan. Kildare Street Club, Dublin; Royal St. George Yacht Club, Kingstown.