Thom's Irish Who's Who/McCalmont, Major Dermod Hugh Bingham

3285936Thom's Irish Who's Who — McCalmont, Major Dermod Hugh Bingham

McCALMONT, Major Dermod Hugh Bingham, M.C. (1916). Educ: Eton; Sandhurst. Joined 7th (Queen's Own) Hussars, 1907; Captain, 1913; Adjutant South Irish Horse, 1912-14; served European War (A.D.C. to Gen. Sir H. Smith Dorrien with the British Array in France), 1914; in East Africa, 1916-1918 (as Military Secretary to G.O.C. in Chief); Joint-Master, East Kilkenny Foxhounds, 1913-18. Recns.: hunting, racing, fishing, shooting; only child of Major-Gen. Sir Hugh McCalmont, K.C.B., C.V.O.; b. 1887; m. 1918, Lady Barbara Helen, dau. of 4th Marquess Conyngham, and has issue one son. Res.: Mount Juliet. Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny; 3 Norfolk Street, Park Lane, W. Clubs: Turf, Cavalry, Carlton, Marlborough, London; Kildare, Street, Dublin.