Thom's Irish Who's Who/Moneypenny, Sir Frederick Wm.

3306537Thom's Irish Who's Who — Moneypenny, Sir Frederick Wm.

MONEYPENNY, Sir Frederick Wm., Knt. (1819), C.V.O. (1921), C.B.E. (1920), M.V.O., 4th Class (1905), O.B.E. (1918); Knight of Grace, Order of St. John of Jerusalem (1921); J.P. City of Belfast; is City Chamberlain of Belfast, Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, Parliament of Northern Ireland from 22nd June, 1921 (when Parliament was opened by H.M. the King) till Feb., 1922; Private Secretary to the Lord Mayor; second son of late Joseph Moneypenny, of Belfast; b. 1859. Res.: Wyncote, Strandtown, Belfast.