Thom's Irish Who's Who/Mount Melleray, Abbot of

Mauris O'Phelan

3307736Thom's Irish Who's Who — Mount Melleray, Abbot of

MOUNT MELLERAY, Abbot of (Rt. Rev. Mauris O'Phelan, O.Cist.); native of Kilrossanty, Co. Waterford. Educ. at Melleray Sem.; ordained, 1878: Prior of Mount Melleray, 1894-1908; blessed and installed as Abbot, 1908; Provincial of the Cistercian Order in Ireland; author of several works in Irish, including a prayer-book. Mount Melleray takes its name from the Abbey of Melleray in Brittany, whence the community, who were not French but foreign by birth, were expelled by the French Govt, in 1831; a tract of mountain-land in Co. Waterford was rented from Sir Richard Keane by the Irish monks, and the Irish Abbey founded in 1832. Res.: Mt. Melleray, Cappoquin, Co. Waterford.