Thom's Irish Who's Who/Neligan, Right Rev. Bishop Moore Richard

3309369Thom's Irish Who's Who — Neligan, Right Rev. Bishop Moore Richard

NELIGAN, Right Rev. Bishop Moore Richard, D.D. (T.C.D.): was vicar of St. Stephen, Westbourne Park, 1894-1903; Bishop of Auckland, N. Zealand, 1903-10; temp. Chaplain Northumb. Vol. Regt 1918; Chaplain to the Forces, N.Z.E.F. 1918; Rector of Ford, Northumberland from 1911. Fourth son of late Rev. Canon Maurice Neligan, D.D., Incumbent of Christ Church, Leeson Park, Dublin; b. 1863; m. 1894, Mary, dau. of late Edmund Macrory, K.C., of London. Res,: Rectory. Ford, Northumberland.