Thom's Irish Who's Who/Notter, Colonel J. Lane

James Lane Notter

3310278Thom's Irish Who's Who — Notter, Colonel J. Lane

NOTTER, Colonel J. Lane, M.A., M.D., D.P.H., R.A.M.C. (ret.); b. Carrigduve, Co. Cork; son of late Richard Notter, of Rock Island, and Carrigduve, Co. Cork, and Margaret, dau. of James Lane, of Riverstown, Co. Cork: m. Fannie, dau. of Surgeon- General J. D. McIllree, A.M.S.; one dau. Educ.: Trinity College, Dublin (Fellow Commoner). Entered Army Medical Service, 1866 (First Place); subsequently served in Canada and Malta as Assistant-Surgeon. Royal Artillery; Assistant-Professor, and subsequently Professor, of Military Hygiene, Army Medical School at Netley; on Special Duty at Headquarters, S.A. Field Force: ex-President Epidemiological Society of London; Fellow Royal Society of Medicine; Governor of Wellington College, Berks; Fellow and Member of Council, Royal Sanitary Institute; late Examiner in Hygiene, Board of Secondary Education, South Kensington; has been Examiner in Public Health at Cambridge University Leeds, and Liverpool Universities, Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons, London, and Victoria Universities, and University of Wales; Hon. Member Hungarian Society of Public Health; Delegate to represent Foreign Office and War Office, and H.M. Plenipotentiary to sign the Convention at Venice, 1897; Hon. Associate Order of St. John of Jerusalem; Delegate to following Congresses on behalf of War Office—Berlin, 1890; Chicago, 1893; Rome, 1894: Buda-Pesth, 1894. Pubns.: The Theory and Practice of Hygiene (with Col. Firth), 2nd edition, 1900; Hygiene, 7th edition, 1921; Practical Domestic Hygiene, 5th edition, 1907; editor, 8th edition Parke's Manual of Practical Hygiene; author of sections Air and Military Hygiene in Murphy and Stevenson's Treatise on Hygiene and Public Health, 1892; Hygiene of the Tropics in Davidson's Diseases of Warm Climates; Enteric Fever in the European Army in India, its Etiology and Prevention; Transactions International Hygienic Congress, 1892; section Hygiene, Ency. Brit., Times edition, 1902; and various papers on Hygiene and Preventive Medicine in other works and periodicals. Recns.: yachting, photography, travel. Address: 3 Kensington Mansions, Earl's Court, S.W.; Rock Island, Co. Cork. Club: Athenæum, Pall Mall, S.W.1.