Thom's Irish Who's Who/O'Connell, Rev. Frederic Wm.

Frederick William O'Connell; Feardorcha Ó Conaill

3318062Thom's Irish Who's Who — O'Connell, Rev. Frederic Wm.

O'CONNELL, Rev. Frederic Wm., Litt.D. (stip. cond.), T.C.D. M.A. (stip. cond.), E.D., Hon. Phil.D.; Member of Royal Asiatic Society; Fellow of Society Internationale de Philologie, Sciences et Beaux- Arts: Member of Incorporated Society of Authors. Lecturer in the Celtic Languages and Literature, Queen's University Belfast; Advising Examiner in Irish to Intermediate Board of Education, 1908-13; Extern Examiner to National University of Ireland, 1914-19; b. 22nd Oct., 1876; son of Rev. W. Morgan O'Connell, Rector of Clifden, Co. Galway; m. Helen Frances, third dau. of late Henry Young, Nenagh; three sons, one dau. Educ.: High School and Trinity College, Dublin. Entrance Prizes in Hebrew and German; Bedell Scholar; Kyle Prizeman; Board Prizeman five times; Fellowship Prizeman in Classics and Hebrew; Divinity Testimonium. Ordained, 1902; Curate of Clongish, 1902-3; Curate-in-Charge Drumshambo, 1903-4: Rector Castleconnor, 1904-7; Rector and Canon of Achonry Cathedral, 1907-10. Pubns.: Author of A Grammar of Old Irish; Conversational Grammar of Modern Irish; The Writings on the Wall; The Age of Whitewash; The Poetry of the Koran; editor of The Midnight Court: Selections from Keating's Three Shafts of Death; An Irish Corpus Astronomiae; Guaire; Brieriu; Doa Ciochote; Revised Irish Morning and Evening Prayer, Litany, and Office of Holy Communion. Contributions to Hermathena, Gaelic Journal, Banba, Louth and Galway Archæological Journals, etc. Recns.: walking, cycling. Res.: Erlu, Seacliffe Road, Bangor, Co. Down. Tel: Bangor. 157.