Thom's Irish Who's Who/O'Neill, Rt. Hon. R. W. Hugh

Robert William Hugh O'Neill

3326308Thom's Irish Who's Who — O'Neill, Rt. Hon. R. W. Hugh

O'NEILL, Rt. Hon. R. W. Hugh, P.C. (Ireland), 1921; only surviving son of Edward, 2nd Baron O'Neill. Educ. at Eton and New College, Oxford; m. 1909, Sylvia, dau. of Walter A. Sanderman, of Morden House, Royston, Herts, and has issue three sons; Barrister (Inner Temple), 1909; served in the Great War in Royal Irish Rifles, and as Deputy Judge Advocate-General in Palestine with rank of Major; unsuccessfully contested Stockport (C), 1906; elected M.P. for Mid-Antrim (Imperial Parliament), in 1915, and again in 1918; M.P. (Northern Ireland) for Co. Antrim, 1921: first Speaker of the House of Commons of Northern Ireland, 1921; Pro-Chancellor of Queen's University, Belfast, 1922. Recns.: shooting, fishing. Res.: Thornhill, Malone Road, Belfast. Clubs: Carlton, Ulster (Belfast).