Thom's Irish Who's Who/Penrose, Brigadier-General Cooper

3329986Thom's Irish Who's Who — Penrose, Brigadier-General Cooper

PENROSE, Brigadier-General Cooper, C.B. (1910); C.M.G. (1917). Educ.: Haileybury; Woolwich. Obtained commission in Royal Engineers, 1873; Captain, 1885; Major 1893; Lt.-Col., 1900, Colonel 1904; Brig.-Gen. 1910; served South African War, 1879: China 1900; employed with local forces, N.S. Wales, 1885-89; Assistant Inspector of Submarine Defences at War Office, 1891-96; Inspector, 1897; employed on Survey of Wei-Hai-Wei and C.R.E., 1898-1901; C.R.E., Gosport, 1901-5; Chief Engineer, Southern Coast Defence, 1906-10; Chief Engineer, Southern Command, Salisbury, 1910-12; retired 1912; Temp. Chief Engineer, Scottish Command, 1915-16; third son of late Rev. J. D. Penrose, of Woodhill, Co. Cork; b. 1855; m. 1885. Sylvia Alice, second dau of late Thomas Greene, of Dublin, and has issue three daus. Clubs: Junior United Service, London.