Thom's Irish Who's Who/Porter, Major-General Sir Robert

3335160Thom's Irish Who's Who — Porter, Major-General Sir Robert

PORTER, Major-General Sir Robert, K.C.B. (1921), C.B. (1916), C.M.G. (1919) Commander of the Order of the Crown, Belgium, Croix de Guerre, Belgium, M.B. (Glas.). Director A.M.S. second Army in European War, 1914-18. Educ.: Foyle College, Londonderry; Glasgow University; Paris. Entered R.A.M.C. 1881; served Ashanti, 1895-96, Including capture of Coomassie, S. African War, 1899-1902; European War, 1914-18. Recn.: golf; son of late Andrew Porter, of Co. Donegal; b. in Co. Donegal, 1858: m. 1903, Mary Phillipa, dau. of late John Johnstone, of Barnard Castle, Durham, and has issue three sons. Club: Royal Automobile, London.