Thom's Irish Who's Who/Shaw, George Bernard

3386102Thom's Irish Who's Who — Shaw, George Bernard

SHAW, George Bernard; b. Dublin, 26th July, 1856; m. 1898, Charlotte Frances Payne-Townshend, London, 1876; Fabian Society, 1884. Pubns.: Novels—The Irrational Knot, Love among the Artists, Cashel Byron's Profession, An Unsocial Socialist, 1880-83; edited Fabian Essays, 1889; Fabianism and The Empire, 1900; and Fabianism and the Fiscal Question, 1904; various tracts on Socialism published by the Fabian Society; The Quintessence of Ibsenism, 1891 and 1913; The Sanity of Art, 1895; The Perfect Wagnerite, 1898; The Common Sense of Municipal Trading, 1904; Socialism and Superior Brains, 1910; a Preface to three plays by Brieux, 1911; Common Sense about the War, 1914; How to Settle the Irish Question, 1917; Peace Conference Hints, 1919; weekly articles on Music in the Star (signed "Corno di Bassetto"), 1888-1890; and in The World, 1890-91; on the Theatre in the Saturday Review, January, 1895, to May, 1898 (collected 1907 in 2 vols., entitled Dramatic Opinions and essays); Plays, Pleasant and Unpleasant (seven plays). 1898; Three Plays for Puritans, 1900: The Admirable Baslivile, 1901; Man and Superman, 190-3; John Bull's Other Island, 1904; Row He Lied to her Husband, 1904; Major Barbara, 1905; The Doctor's Dilemma, 1906; Getting Married, 1908; The She wing-up of Blanco Posnet, 1909; Press Cuttings, 1909; The Dark lady of The Sonnets, 1910; Misalliance, 1910; Fanny's First Play, 1911; Androcles and the Lion, Pvsmalion. and Overruled, 1912; Great Catherine, 1913; The Music Cure, 1914; O'Flaherty V.C, The Inca of Perusalem, 1915; Augustus does His Bit, 1916; Heartbreak House, Annajanska, 1917; Back to Methusaleh (cycle of five plays), 1921. Exercise: motor driving and cycling, swimming, public speaking. Diet: vegetarian. Recn.: anything except sport. Res.: 10 Adelphi Terrace, London, W.C.2. Clubs: Royal Automobile. Burlington Fine Arts. Trade Union: Society of Authors, Playwrights and Composers.