Thom's Irish Who's Who/Stoney, Richard Atkinson

3394452Thom's Irish Who's Who — Stoney, Richard Atkinson

STONEY, Richard Atkinson, M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O. (University, Dublin), F.R.C.S.I., L.M., Rotunda; Visiting Surgeon Royal City of Dublin Hospital since 1903; Médecin Chef Hopital do Lamotte Villeneuve sur Lot; Consulting and Operating Surgeon 5ème Secteur 17ème Régin Medecin Majeur 2eme Classe Armèes Francaise, 1915-1918; Ex-examiner in Surgery Conj,. Board, R.C.P.S. & S.I.; Vice President La Societe Internationale de las Tuberculeuse; Vice-President Trinity College Biological Association; Fellow Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland; Surgical Specialist Ministry of Pensions, Dublin Area. Educ.: St. Helen's and Trinity College, Dublin; First Honours in Mathematics; entered Medical School, 1896; Medical Scholar, 1899; Special Travelling Prize in Surgery, 1902; Travelling Prize in Medicine, 1903; attended Royal City of Dublin Hospital as student; Wheeler Gold Medal in Medicine, 1901; held post of Chief Demonstrator of Anatomy and joint Lecturer in Applied Anatomy in T.G.D., 1902 and 1903. Pubns.: articles in Medical Journals. Recns.: golf and motoring; b. Dublin, May 13th, 1877; son of Canon R. B. Stoney. D.D., Rector of Holy Trinity, Killiney, Co. Dublin, and Kate Mabel Atkinson, Gortmore, Co. Dublin; m. 1915, Gladys Enid, dau. of A. Lenox Figgis, Gorse Hill, Greystones. Res.: 56 Fitzwilliam Square. North, Dublin. Tel.: 1314. Club: Stephen's Green. Dublin.