Thom's Irish Who's Who/Templemore, Baron

Arthur Henry Chichester

3402662Thom's Irish Who's Who — Templemore, Baron

TEMPLEMORE, Baron (Unit. Kgd., 1831), Arthur Henry Chichester, 3rd Baron: J.P., D.L. Co. Wexford (High Sheriff, 1900); late Major 3rd Batt. Royal Irish Regt.; son of Henry, 2nd Baron, and Laura Caroline Jane (d. 1871), dau. of the late Right Hon. Sir Arthur Paget, G.C.B.; b. 16th Sept., 1854; s. his father 10th June, 1905; m.. 1st, 14th August, 1879. Evelyn (d. 1883), dau. of the late Rev. William Stracey, of Buxton, Norfolk; 2nd, 1885, Alice, dau. of the late Clinton G. Dawkins, and has issue three sons. Res.: 4 Portman Square, W.; Dunbrody Park, Arthurstown, Co. Wexford: Inch House, Londonderry; Carlton and Travellers' Clubs, S.W.; Sackville Street, Dublin.