Thom's Irish Who's Who/Wakely, His Honour Judge John

3408146Thom's Irish Who's Who — Wakely, His Honour Judge John

WAKELY, His Honour Judge John, M.A. (T.C.D.): D.L., J.P. King's Co., J.P. Cos. Roscommon and Sligo; Barrister, King's Inns, 1885; Q.C. 1899: Bencher, 1902; County Court Judge and Chairman of Quarter Sessions Cos. Roscommon and Sligo from 1904. Educ.: Kingstown school; Trinity College, Dublin. Pubns. (with R. R. Cherry, K.C.): The Irish Land Law and Land Purchase Acts; Articles on the Land Purchase (Ireland) Act, 1903. Recns.: fishing, shooting. Eldest son of late John Wakely, D.L., of Ballyburly, King's Co., and Mary Catherine, dau. of Rev. Richard George, of Kentstown, Co. Meath; b. 1861; m. 1888, Raby Low Montserrat, dau. of late Rev. Canon Morgan Woodward Jellett, Canon of Christ Church Cathedral, and Rector of St. Peter's Church, Dublin, and has issue three daus. Res.: Ballyburly, Edenderry, King's Co. University Club, Dublin.