Three excellent old songs/King James the first and the tinker

Three excellent old songs (1816)
King James the first and the tinker
3276256Three excellent old songs — King James the first and the tinker1816


And now to be brief, let's paſs o'er the reſt,
Who ſeldom or never was given to jeſt,
And come to King James the firſt on the throne,
A pleaſanter monach ſure never was known.

Once he was a chaſing his fair fallow deer,
He dropp’d all his Nobles, of them he got clear,
In ſearch of new pleaſures away he did ride,
Till he came to an ale-houſe juſt by a wood-ſide,
And there with a Tinker he happen'd to meet,
Who in this kind manner did lovingly greet.
He ſaid. Honeſt fellow, what is that in the jugg,
Which under thy arm thou doſt lovingly hugg?

In truth, ſays the Tinker, ’tis nappy brown ale,
And for to drink to thee, in troth I'll not fail;
For tho’ that thy jacket is glorious and fine,
I hope that my twopence is as good as thine.
Nay, now, by my foul, the truth ſhall be ſpoke,
Then ſtraight he ſat down with the Tinker to joke.
He call'd for a pitcher, the Tinker another,
And ſo to it they went like brother & brother.

While drinking the King was pleaſed to ſay,
What news doſt thou hear, honeſt Tinker, I pray?
There’s nothing of news the which I do hear,
But the King is a chaſing his fair fallow deer.
And truly I wiſh. I ſo happy might be,
That while he is hunting, the King I might ſee;
Altho’ I have travell’d the land many ways,
I never did ſee the King all my whole days.

The King in a hearty briſk laughter reply’d,
I tell thee good fellow. if thou can’ſt but ride,
Thou ſhalt get up behind me & thee I will bring
Into the royal preſence of James our King.
Perhaps,quoth the Tinker,his lords will be dreſt
So fine, that I cannot tell him from the reſt.
They will, but I tell you, when once you come there,
The King will be cover’d, his nobles all bare.

Then up got the tinker, and hoiſted the black
Budget of leather, and tools on his back:
And when they came to the merry green wood,
His nobles came round him & bare-headed ſtood.
The Tinker then ſeeing ſo many appear,
Immediately whiſper’d the King in the ear,
Saying Since they’re all cloth’d ſo gallant & gay,
Sir, which is the King, now tell me I pray?

The King to the Tinker then made this reply,
By my foul, man, it muſt be either you or I;
The reſt are bare-headed, & uncover'd around.
This ſaid, with his budget he fell to the ground,
Like one that was frighted quite out of his wits,
And then on his knees he immediately gets,
Beſeeching his mercy.-The King to him ſaid,
Thou art a good fellow, ſo be not afraid.

Now tell me thy name-It is John of the Vale,
A mender of kettles, and a lover of ale.
Then riſe up Sir John, I'll honour you here,
I'll make you a Knight of three hundred a year.
This was a good thing for the Tinker indeed,
Then ſoon to the Court he was ſent for with ſpeed,
Where ſtore of great pleaſure and paſtime were ſeen,
Into the royal preſence of our King & Queen.

This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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