Tixall Poetry/A Sigh to St Monica's Teares

4302723Tixall PoetryA Sigh to St Monica's Tearesunknown author

A Sigh to St Monica's Teares.

Ye tender soft-par'd'mother springs,
That trickling steale from those new op'ning eyes,
Where Monica, loves siren, sings,
To inchant her Austin into Paradise;
Kind falacys, that have so well outdone
The logick of your over subtill son:

If such fertill parent showres
Revivd in him the eternall spring of blisse;
If those seede pearle-bloomes of yours
Brought him such harvest home of happines;
Oh, drop my baren soule one fruitfull teare,
Or let it gleane some pregnant sorrow there.

Then earthly parents all adieu,
Now onely Heaven must be of kin to me;
I'le be conceavd and borne anew,
And onely teares shall be my pedigree.
Thrice happy generation! to be stiled,
Of Austin's mother perles the adopted child.