Tixall Poetry/On the Death of My Dear Sister, Mrs Kath. Aston; Known by the Name of "Good Love"

Tixall Poetry
edited by Arthur Clifford
On the Death of My Dear Sister, Mrs Kath. Aston; Known by the Name of "Good Love" by unknown author
4307908Tixall PoetryOn the Death of My Dear Sister, Mrs Kath. Aston; Known by the Name of "Good Love"unknown author

On the Death of My Dear Sister,

Mrs Kath. Aston;

Known by The Name of "Good Love."

I've strow'd and stuck devoutly on some hearses,
But here I burn and bury all my verses;
Some griefes by sighs and teares are understood,
But this is writt by th' fall of my owne bloud.
In other losses, senses beare a part,
Here the close mourner is a silent heart.
And what elswhere by passion is supplyd,
By reason here is better justify'd.
See reason, justice, honour, vertue, move,
To waite the solemn progress of Good Love.
With equall duty, and with paces even,
They lead and guide us after her to heaven.
To rise with her in glory, thus we must
Bravely with her on earth shake off our dust.
T' arrive unto her height and greatness there,
We must, like her, be low and little here.
And, lastly, in our proper sphere to move,
Patterne we must our first idea, Love.
Descend, Good Love, or by attraction raise
Our duller soules to sing immortall layes:
Descend, and shew how you our offrings prize,
Descend, Good Love, and fire our sacrifice.