Tixall Poetry/To My Brother and Sister Aston, on Ther Wedding-Day, Being Absent

Tixall Poetry
edited by Arthur Clifford
To My Brother and Sister Aston, on Ther Wedding-Day, Being Absent by Gertrude Aston Thimelby
4300881Tixall PoetryTo My Brother and Sister Aston, on Ther Wedding-Day, Being AbsentGertrude Aston Thimelby


My Brother and Sister Aston,

on Ther Wedding-Day, Being Absent.

They whom unlucky accidents remove
From this dayes duty, yet may show ther love.
For thoughts (our swift embassadors) weele send
With busy care, your busier thoughts t' attend.
Ther each one payes a wish, a tribute due,
And therfore pay'd, but of no use to you,
Whose spatious hearts are megazins, wher ioyes
Contented croud, are happy without noyse.
But if that peacefull kings, of unknowne power,
Refuse not humble presents from the poore,
And though it cannot add to ther estate,
Are pleas'd to valew't at the givers rate,
You will accept our wealth, an ernest care,
And for your happynes a fervent praire.